Please Pass the Red Meat | Teen Ink

Please Pass the Red Meat

October 26, 2012
By Nayson Peres BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Nayson Peres BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think Joshua L’s piece of writing “Please Pass the Red Meat” is humorous, and I can totally relate to the narrator. My mother always makes me eat these disgusting foods from the country she grew up in and in the article Joshua’s mother does a similar thing to him. While his brother gobbles up the “foreign food,” Joshua just nibbles enough of the food so he won’t starve. At my house it’s the same thing, my little brother scoffs up his portion in just minutes, but I don’t give in to hunger that easily. I prefer to hear my three year old sister ramble on about Strawberry Shortcake and Dora than eat my mother’s horrible beans and rice. Fortunately, my father is a bit more merciful and he dismisses me after the first few minutes of waiting. As you can see I can mostly relate to Joshua and his story.

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