Toxic Friendship | Teen Ink

Toxic Friendship

October 25, 2012
By sarah_thomas32 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
sarah_thomas32 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Toxic Friendship” by Elana B is a beautiful piece of writing. The piece is brutally honest and discusses how “bullying isn’t necessarily a fight over lunch money or picking on someone’s clothes.” She talks about how you could be bullied for years and not even know. It can be built into your friendship and you have become so accustomed to it that you are absolutely clueless about what is going on.

I have known people who are controlling like Elana’s friend and have even been one myself. Now, that I look back I regret doing it, but she’s right; it’s very easy to be unaware whether you are the bully or the victim. Bullying like this will continue on no matter what you try to do. That’s one of the worst things about it because no matter how hard you try to disconnect from this person to help you gain self - confidence, they will always be there. Whether its interrupting conversations as Elana refers to or even just thinking about what they did to you, you’ll never forget. You can try and try but it will take long time to even get it out of your head for just a little while. After years of trying you may be able to forget some of it but you can’t ever take back being controlled or being controlling. I adore the way Elana tells it like it is because it will help people realize that things in their relationships may not be healthy and they need to try to fix it.

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