Toxic Frienship | Teen Ink

Toxic Frienship

October 25, 2012
By Lily Davey BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Martha&#39s Vineyard, Massachusetts
Lily Davey BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Martha&#39s Vineyard, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found “Toxic Friendship” by Elana B really inspiring and relatable. She writes about how she had a “friend” who was very controlling and manipulative and how she found the strength to stand up to her. She thinks that she’s out of her life, but she tries to “beat” her “at everything” and insults her constantly; but “her words don’t have the power they did in eighth grade.”

I can definitely relate to this article. I had a friend like that, too. Had being the key word. I went through the exact same thing Elana did. In fact, our stories are so similar it’s scary. We both had to deal with the repercussions of standing up to someone who was once important to us, and it was hard for both of us- but we made it through. As Elana said, “I’m not playing her game anymore.”

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