Things I'll tell my daughter someday | Teen Ink

Things I'll tell my daughter someday

October 25, 2012
By Andrea Guyther BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Andrea Guyther BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Thing’s I’ll Tell My Daughter Someday” by Julie is a beautifully written nonfiction piece about what she will teach her daughter and how she will raise her. I love the message she is sending to her daughter. “i’ll teach her “perfect” before i teach her “hate”. I’ll form her hand into the shape of a gun just so i can show her the peace sign.”

I also liked how in the piece “Julie” talks about her bad past without saying what actually happened. I makes me wonder where she grew up and the things that happened to her. I really enjoyed how she ended the piece. “My daughter will be beautiful. My daughter will be amazing. My daughter will be world shaking, and i? I can’t wait to meet her.” It also leaves you wondering because in the beginning she implied that she already met her daughter.

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