Things I'll say to My Daughter | Teen Ink

Things I'll say to My Daughter

October 25, 2012
By oliviarosev BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
oliviarosev BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is Louder than the pressure to be perfect

I love “Things I’ll Tell My Daughter Someday” by Julie. I loved the way Julie expressed her feelings. I liked the way she said “i will form her hand into the shape of a gun just so i can show her a peace sign.” I also love they way you thought her daughter had been born but really at the very end she said “ i can’t wait to meet her.” I also like they way she will raise her daughter that knowing weight doesn’t matter. Another thing she said is “ I will teach her beautiful before she learns weight.” I think that is very good! I think a lot of girls these days worry more about their weight than anything else. And her daughter probably won’t do that. I think Julie did a very good job of saying what really matters instead of what doesn't like what clothes you are wearing. Another thing I like that she said was “ when her dreams get too bad i’ll sit by her and whisper perfect.” I like that because a lot of times girls need reassurance that most girls usually don't get. They can get called ugly but not a lot of people call them perfect.

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