Worth It | Teen Ink

Worth It

October 25, 2012
By NevinW BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
NevinW BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Worth It” by AlleaBelle G is a wonderfully written piece about the love of sports. She describes all the hours of hard work and dedication when you train for the sport you love. She talks about getting hurt, “blistering feet. Blood on jersey.” Then at the end of the piece she asks “why do we do it?”

I agree with AleaBelle when she says “Because somehow, in some way, for some reason, it is worth it.” I can identify with her when she says things like “soaking with sweat” because I have worked very hard running and playing soccer. When you think about it I have spent so much time total, practicing soccer but you know that without that sport I wouldn’t be who I am today. I can relate to every part in this writing especially when she says “Worn out broken shoes.” because I have gone through so many cleats in my lifetime. I love this piece so much because I see myself and all the other athletes in this piece, and I think she sums up sports so well.

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