The Same Soundtrack | Teen Ink

The Same Soundtrack MAG

By Anonymous

     Bonnie K.'s editorial "The Same Soundtrack" pointed out an observation I've made for years. Many of the radio stations I used to listen to are all owned by Clear Channel. Clear Channel seems to be the culprit behind crappy music selection on the radio. As Bonnie pointed out, television is also controlled by just a few corporations. I stopped watching MTV months ago because the only thing they broadcast are dumb frat boy-type reality series they think the majority of viewers want to watch. Where did the "Music" in "Music Television" go?

These media monopolies have led us kids to the welcome mats of Kazaa, PureVolume and other sites that allow music-aholics to slake our craving for new, underground tunes. Thank goodness we have those.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, major props to Bonnie for seeing past the malice in the media.

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