Gay Marriage in the US | Teen Ink

Gay Marriage in the US MAG

By Anonymous

     As you may know, gay marriage is one of the most controversial subjects today. I happen to disagree with gay marriage and here's why. I've seen gay people, on TV and in real life, and I have no problem with them but I don't like the idea of them getting married. Take for example last year at Disneyland when there was a gay activist party. Guys were kissing and performing sexual acts in public, not even caring who saw them. If I were a parent, I wouldn't want my kids exposed to things like that. This is a family theme park and to expose the public to their personal life is wrong.

Also, gay marriage is unconstitutional. America was built on the Constitution. I wonder what our founding fathers would say about gay marriage. Gay marriage is also against most religions and isn't same-sex marriage against God's plan? I also think that the towns that married gays should have the book thrown at them. Take Multnomah County, OR. They gave out something like 200 marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The law has not been changed yet so why does Multnomah marry them? It's just like saying "Well, the speed limit is 50 but I feel like going 90." It's no different, it's total anarchy and it's wrong.

I was taught by my parents to be a good person and obey the rules no matter if it was in my house or the world. Gay marriage is against the law and that is why I disagree with it.

Editor's Note: Though there has been talk of a Constitutional ban on gay marriage, it is not currently technically unconstitutional.

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This article has 81 comments.

on Jun. 5 2012 at 11:19 pm
RoseAndThorn BRONZE, Mena, Arkansas
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Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference. - Marilyn Manson

I almost cannot comment on this without sounding rude: there is nothing factual or even logical here. But, to try to be productive, I will explain myself. First, *homosexual* marriage is NOT unconstitutional. Banning homosexual marriage did not even occur to anyone because why? Everyone misstreated homosexuals far worse than they do today, and marriage was always done by the church, which would not allow it. Speaking of the church, are we not supposed to have separation of church and state? The U.S. was supposed to have separtion of church and state, but it doesn't. That being said, why are we letting religion decided everything for everybody? Is that not unfair, in a nation where it is supposed to be "free?" One last thing: is it right to force your beliefs on another person if those people are not harming you? Last time I checked, homosexuality is not destroying the country, bigotry is. Now, to the author, I do oppritiate your voice in this article, it was not rude, and your writing is well.

KatsK DIAMOND said...
on Apr. 7 2012 at 7:11 pm
KatsK DIAMOND, Saint Paul, Minnesota
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Being inexhaustible, life and nature are a constant stimulus for a creative mind.<br /> ~Hans Hofmann<br /> You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.<br /> ~Ray Bradbury

No, of course not, but you see, it's because straight people are obviously better (sarcastic!). Yeah, I totally agree. He didn't cite anything, and he's just biased. Plus, there's an amendment against "being denied because of race", so you can't be racist, but you can hate gay people even though they can't change it? So much for America being "the land of the free". The archdiocese talked to my future high school to try to influence them into voting against gay marriage, and the students took a stand. Here's the link:

on Apr. 7 2012 at 3:05 pm
AHandfulOfDust BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
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Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.<br /> ~Lemony Snicket

Nobody's saying anything about "always bending the rules". I point you to your quoted line, which clearly says "The law has to be bent every now and then". And really, you think equal rights leads to anarchy? Because people of color have been given equal rights, and women have been given equal rights, and I still see a standing society. I don't know where you're getting your ideas.

on Apr. 7 2012 at 3:01 pm
AHandfulOfDust BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
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Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.<br /> ~Lemony Snicket

That's right, laws are laws. And there's this very interesting bit of the Constitution people call the "Full Faith and Credit Clause", which says that states have to recognize marriages performed in other states. Which makes this whole I'm-not-going-to-recognized-same-sex-marriage-performed-somewhere-where-it's-legal unconstitutional. Incidentally, refusing to recognize same-sex marriage on the state level is breaking the highest law of the land - the Constitution. Seems to me you're looking for excuses too, and not even for a good reason.

I'm sorry - my parents created me, and my parents taught me that I should keep my nose out of other people's lives, most especially when they have nothing to do with me. If someone wants to get married, it's none of my business, and unless you're the bride or groom, it's not your business either.

And for sanity's sake, why would I trust god? God is a figment of your imagination which you find comforting. I'd be just as well off trusting Barney or Elmo in the realm of public policy. At least neither of them advocated stoning women.

(Now, I'll wager you're pretty upset that I've gone and told you what you should believe. Maybe you should consider that a lot of people - your Founding Fathers included - don't think god should have any role in what the government does.)

Sirie said...
on Feb. 27 2012 at 8:05 pm
Sirie, Lineville, Alabama
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&quot;The greatest oak was once a little nut who stood its ground.&quot; ~ Buddhist Proverb

First of all, let me just say I wouldn't pass this in an English class; muchless publish it in a magazine. This article contains abosolutely no proof to back-up the assertions that Gay Marriage is "unconstitutional." If you'd actually put down the Bible and pick up a textbook, you'd realize that Gay Marriage ISN'T unconstitutional. The Constitution is presumed to have left the issue to the States. That's it. When someone says "it's unconstitutional" they're referring to the FEDERAL Government acknolwedging it because Marriage is a STATE issue.

As for the whole Disenyland thing, that's just stupid. Not all Gay people act like that. Just like not all straight people act alike! It's ridiculous to attempt to suspend the rights of a group for the actions of a few.

As for kissing, since when is that a crime, though? Straight couples kiss all the freaking time in front of whoever they wish. I don't see anyone having a problem with that, now do I?


Bottom line, it DOESN'T AFFECT YOU; SO KEEP YOUR D*MN MOUTH SHUT! You're NOT gay, you have NO RIGHT to say a d*mn thing in the situation.


/End of dicussion.

Taylor said...
on Feb. 14 2012 at 7:08 pm
What really scares me about this article is that apparently Dan's parents raised a person that isn't able to think for himself. He always refers to the law or religion rather them thinking about the issue himself. You know what, Dan? I was born in a country where 70 years ago the law said that Jews weren't allowed to work, that they weren't allowed to marry "Aryans" and that they weren't worth as much as others were. The law isn't always right. We have to think for ourselves. Is it right for some people to have less rights than others? Does their happiness affect me in some negative way? And if so, what is wrong with me? Think about it Dan. Think for yourself.

on Jan. 16 2012 at 7:50 pm
indimcmathz BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
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&quot;Alternative to what?&quot; -Bliss, from the movie &quot;Whip It&quot;

"I have no problem with them but I don't like the idea of them getting married" Based on this and everything else in your article, you clearly have a problem with them. Don't try to deny it.

on Jan. 16 2012 at 7:20 pm
indimcmathz BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
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&quot;Alternative to what?&quot; -Bliss, from the movie &quot;Whip It&quot;

Huh, you learn something new everyday!

leafy said...
on Dec. 17 2011 at 4:26 pm
leafy, City, Other
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Gil: I would like you to read my novel and get your opinion.&nbsp;<br /> Ernest Hemingway: I hate it.&nbsp;<br /> Gil: You haven&#039;t even read it yet.&nbsp;<br /> Ernest Hemingway: If it&#039;s bad, I&#039;ll hate it. If it&#039;s good, then I&#039;ll be envious and hate it even more. You don&#039;t want the opinion of another writer.&nbsp;

Here we're my reactions while reading this article: 1) Really? G a y marriage is controversial? Wow, I did not know that! *sarcasm* 2) Straight couples kiss in public too *sarcastic gasp* 3) How the he\\ is g a y marriage unconstitutional!??!?! Wtf?!? 4) Ya know, there are quite a few non-religious people out there... 5) Ya know, most people don't like it when they have the "book thrown at them"... 6) *sighs* oh, the ignorance...what a shame.

necessary824 said...
on Nov. 16 2011 at 5:12 am
There's a lot of things I don't agree with....doesn't mean they're unconstitutional (or wrong even). Comparing speed limits to a lifetime commitment with a partner is ludicrous. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion - but you need to, as a writer, come up with much more logical arguments - just sound silly.

on Sep. 22 2011 at 11:51 pm
savetheplanet PLATINUM, Anaheim, California
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It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

I am compltely floored that Teen Ink thought that this article should be put in their magazine.  It has absolutely no factual basis.  G.ay marriage is NOT unconstitutional.  I don't even know where you go that idea.  In fact, the Constitution is not based on faith, so your arguement that it goes against religions is irrelevant.  There's a clear separation of church and state in this country, thank goodness.  So we're going to go around throwing books at people who disagree with you?  Because that's really going to ingratiate you to the rest of the country.  You forget that since g.ay marriage is not unconstitutional, it's perfectly legal for states to make their own specific laws for it.  It's LEGAL.  The fact that you threw in that bit implying g.ays are somehow a public indecency was just insulting.  Kissing is not indecent.  If they were doing other things, that would be wrong for both g.ay and heterose.xual couples.  And heterose.xual couples can and do indecent things in public.  I don't see anyone else calling them out on it.  And finally, g.ay marriage is NOT against the law.  Only if you live in a state that chose to make it illegal, but it's not illegal according to the Constituion.

on Sep. 22 2011 at 11:49 pm
savetheplanet PLATINUM, Anaheim, California
45 articles 9 photos 564 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

I am compltely floored that Teen Ink thought that this article should be put in their magazine.  It has absolutely no factual basis.  Gay marriage is NOT unconstitutional.  I don't even know where you go that idea.  In fact, the Constitution is not based on faith, so your arguement that it goes against religions is irrelevant.  There's a clear separation of church and state in this country, thank goodness.  So we're going to go around throwing books at people who disagree with you?  Because that's really going to ingratiate you to the rest of the country.  You forget that since g.ay marriage is not unconstitutional, it's perfectly legal for states to make their own specific laws for it.  It's LEGAL.  The fact that you threw in that bit implying g.ays are somehow a public indecency was just insulting.  Kissing is not indecent.  If they were doing other things, that would be wrong for both g.ay and heterose.xual couples.  And heterose.xual couples can and do indecent things in public.  I don't see anyone else calling them out on it.  And finally, g.ay marriage is NOT against the law.  Only if you live in a state that chose to make it illegal, but it's not illegal according to the Constituion.

on Aug. 31 2011 at 6:32 pm
Annaklusmos BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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&quot;Make it work.&quot; - Tim Gunn, Project runway,

There is nothing in the constitiution that says this isn't allowed and it would be wrong to change that. the people at disney land were trying to make a point, that there is nothing wrong with being diffrent. 

And, I'm sorry but I just have to say this. A lot of people think that homosexuality is simply unnatural. I can tell you at least one place in nature where that DOES happen naturally. 

Clownfish! look it up! clownfish are born with both genders which they can switch back and forth. If there aren't enought females, than the males switch over and start laying eggs. Are you going to try and outlaw fish? 

A whole new outlook on Nemo, I get that. But it had to be said at some point.

RoeS said...
on Jul. 19 2011 at 6:28 am

I completely agree with the original article by Dan. He's right - laws are laws, and they are not 'meant to be broken'. That is movie stuff only, so please keep it there. Dialogues like that are just for people looking for excuses. They break the rules they want, and when it comes to a rule that is benefitting them they stick up for it. Its all about trust: if God said its a bad thing, its a bad thing. God created you. He knows better than you. There are so many things of his we dont understand, but we have to follow anyway because we trust him to want what's best for us.

And well, if you dont trust God, well. I have nothing to say to you at all.

Person said...
on Jul. 2 2011 at 8:54 am
Religion should not be a factor in what is legal and what isnt, and neither should God. Even if most of Americans are theists of some degree, it shouldnt be a factor in deciding what is legal, as the Bible, or Koran, or whatever you want to use is not a legal document, and no law should and wont be made in regards to certain religions. I also want to point out this line "Gay marriage is illegal, and that is why I disagree with it." So youre saying just because its illegal is why you disagree. Okay, so if you lived back in the 1950s would you disagree with African Americans having the right to vote simply because it was illegal at the time? Or if you lived in the early 1800s, would also disagree with women being aloud to vote because it was illegal at the time? You my friend are the type of people I would describe "goes with the wind, even if it leads off a cliff." Somethimes its better to go against the wind.

on Mar. 25 2011 at 6:45 pm
WrItEr2010 BRONZE, Durango, Colorado
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If the rules are always bent, that is pure anarchy. No law! 

on Jul. 31 2010 at 4:23 pm
cmCampbell SILVER, Cedar Grove, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 28 comments

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&quot;Every minute you spend angry is 60 seconds you lose of happiness!&quot;

Ha, you have a point! If you're gonna take away the rights of homosexuals to marry because of this incident, then heterosexuals should have been kept from marrying years ago!

on Jul. 31 2010 at 4:21 pm
cmCampbell SILVER, Cedar Grove, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 28 comments

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&quot;Every minute you spend angry is 60 seconds you lose of happiness!&quot;

Well although I do not agree with public displays of affection there is a reason for those people's acts. If children are exposed to same-sex couples at an early age they will grow up believing it is normal- it is. Nowhere in the constitution is anything about people getting married stated. Do not back up your opinion with the constitution unless you can cite something from the constitution that can prove it. Also, who is allowed to get married to whom has been an on going fight for 100s of years! Originally blacks and whites couldn't marry. Brittish and Scottish couldn't marry. Look how far we have come! Also, laws should be broken if they are oppressive! That is a major theme in the book The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver! If you truly believe that gays should be able to marry, you marry them! The law has to be bent every now and again for change to happen and with time, change always needs to happen!

Murve said...
on Apr. 8 2010 at 1:48 pm

Jeez, I didn't think someone would reply, let alone take that comment so seriously.

I honestly just found it funny that the original poster used the Disney Land experience as a reason to keep Gay Marriage illegal. It's very irrelevent to the argument.

Shinystarly said...
on Apr. 6 2010 at 11:51 am

Wow, this comment is completely ignorant of social normality. It is never, I repeat 'never', okay to perform any act pertaining to sex in public. Especially, if the content of such act is lewd in nature. The idea that it was a gay couple has no weight on whether it was okay or not. The idea that someone would stick up for people performing sexual acts in public, at a Disney Land no less, is absolutely disgusting. I don't want to see a heterosexual couple doing those things more than homosexual couple.

Now the actual act's perfomed are in question, but their sexuality has no favor in the way it should be treated.