Review of The Value of Money | Teen Ink

Review of The Value of Money

May 23, 2019
By cindywu SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
cindywu SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Value of Money by Drew Y. is a short piece about how he learned to not spend as much money on useless things. It starts with a story of when he was little. He would constantly beg for his parents to buy him something from the store. As he grew older, he realized that he shouldn’t be spending his money so carelessly. Money meant so much more to him because he was the one working for it. He started to save money and ended up with $3300 in his bank account. This piece reminds me of myself and inspires me to change.

Money. It’s a form of currency that people use every day to get what they need or want. I remember being in the same shoes as Drew when I was little. I still do it now but I’m more cautious about what I ask for. I am more responsible with money in the sense that I won’t instantly spend it all when I receive it, however, I do have weaknesses. I love to shop, so I will often splurge on certain things. This isn’t good because they’re all materialistic. I don’t need them and I shouldn’t be using my parents hard earned money on it. Next time, I will be more tenacious about what I spend my money on.

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