NO Means NO | Teen Ink

NO Means NO

May 22, 2019
By samanthalucero SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
samanthalucero SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
7 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Reading CJ's "NO Means NO" article on rape and the meaning of no is just so comforting. Comforting how there are people out there fighting and speaking out for those who are afraid to or simply aren't able to. Many justifications rapists use are, "Well, look what she/he was wearing!" Just as CJ had mentioned in the text. I personally think rape is one of the very few crimes that have no excuse for doing them. A person may kill in self-defense and steal in order to feed their family or themselves. Rape is a crime that can have no excuse. No matter who it may be, whether it's a child, woman, men, transgender, etc. no means no. Actions also speak so much clearer than words themselves. Do not force someone into doing something they are clearly not wanting to do. If rape is treated lightly as if it doesn't happen it will only keep on happening. This article has made me realize even if you have not gone through something such as rape or sexual assault, to speak up. It happens every day and it can happen to anyone. Fight to stop this maddening crime.

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