We Share the Dream | Teen Ink

We Share the Dream

March 6, 2019
By msheehan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
msheehan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “We Share the Dream,” written by Christine T., talks about issues we still have with racism and what MLK did for people. Her writing left me feeling sad and inspired to be kinder to all people. I agree with this poem because racism is still an issue in our society today. I understand where the author is coming from because people still don’t treat everyone fairly and they didn’t back then, “little boys and little girls segregated by color or beaten to death.” This poem is written very well and it is meaningful. There are strong points in this poem such as, “We’ll join hands and stand as one,” and “we must come together to end this fight.” I think this poem should be heard by many people to help them realize we are all the same besides our appearance.

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