Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster | Teen Ink

Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster

March 5, 2019
By 123456789luke BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
123456789luke BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article, “Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster” the author Chris says he used to be a chronic user of marijuana and was surrounded by a culture that severely downplayed the consequences of marijuana use. This related to me because I hate going to places and seeing people who are obviously on drugs and it is more accepted and a lot of people don’t think it’s that bad. Once I went to Nashville and we were walking on the street and this lady who was clearly on drugs was freaking out about something and she went up to a sign and punched it as hard as she could. I will never forget that because that is what you look like when you are jacked up on drugs. People everywhere around me saw what was going on and kept walking. There’s nothing we could do, but that lady obviously needed some help to get off drugs.

Chris also says “The legalization of marijuana has not only worsened the mental health of people with preexisting conditions, but has also created an environment where more and more people are at risk of developing depression or anxiety.” I feel this is exactly what’s happening in communities all over the country. It’s not very common in my tiny town, but in bigger towns and cities it’s more common. It makes me sad to see it happening to so many people, although using drugs is always a choice. Legalized marijuana is definitely bad for our country.

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