Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster | Teen Ink

Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster

February 24, 2019
By Anonymous

The article, “Legalized Marijuana Could Mean Disaster” written by “Chris” described the problems that could ensue due to the recent legalization of marijuana.  I agree with what he says on the topic of marijuana and that it should not be legal. The article states, “…THC levels in marijuana today are five times as potent.” This means that marijuana affects the human body even more than it did before. Also in the article, it says, “…has not only worsened the mental health of people with pro-existing conditions, but has also created an environment where more and more people are at risk of developing depression or anxiety.” As a result of the new legalization, marijuana isn’t just affecting people with disorders now; now it is affecting a larger and larger number of people.

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