Feedback on The Moment That Changed Me | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Moment That Changed Me

February 5, 2019
By Anonymous

"The Moment That Changed Me" is a story by Sean Bragg about him breaking his arm while playing soccer and what he does next. This apparently changes his whole life, as he cannot play for at least half a year. He starts to put soccer aside as his top priority to passion and focus on everything else in his life, and that makes him who he is today. To me, this is a good story and all, but I feel confused at the end.

If you break your arm, how does that affect a game about using your legs? In soccer, there are even rules discouraging hand use. I would understand if it was a cracked leg bone, but a lost arm is merely just a scratch if all you wanted was pure soccer performance. At worst, a broken arm would mean a being unable to use that arm, but it doesnt get much use anyways. Generally, I just feel confused

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