Sweetener | Teen Ink


January 24, 2019
By K_Phan19 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
K_Phan19 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A big round of applause for Anastasi Agafonov for her music review on Ariana Grande's newest album called "Sweetener." Ariana Grande is indeed the most talented vocalist in today's music industry because of her meaningful songs that give us power and let us not forget about her amazing voice that makes us wish we had talent like that. I agree with Anastasi's comment of "Grande's songs empower people" because she helps us to motivate instead of giving up and to show all of us that the shine of our light will always defeat the darkness against us. Furthermore, Ariana Grande has always been my ideal woman to look up to because of how kind-hearted she is. No matter what gets in her way, she will always use her positivity to get through and ignore the negativity. Her songs will always have a special place in my heart because she has empowered myself along with millions of young girls out there to be bold and to add a little "Sweetener" to brighten up our day. Thank you, Anastasi for introducing an amazing woman that has made a well-deserved impact to all of the people in the world by inspiring us to be strong and beautiful in our own way.

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