Feedback on Pittsburgh: This is Not Who We Are | Teen Ink

Feedback on Pittsburgh: This is Not Who We Are

December 10, 2018
By Julianap BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
Julianap BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     The persuasive essay “Pittsburgh: This is Not Who We Are” by Annika Urban, starts off highlighting her city and it’s scenery. She described the pizza shop and violin studio she grew up around, among other places. She recalled her memories of them. The piece mentioned a tragic and abominable event where eleven people were shot and killed in a synagogue, located in the community of Squirrel Hill.  The author stood among thousands of Pittsburghers outside a memorial hall and realized that she should try to make a difference to stop the deaths of innocent people. She believes Pittsburgh is not like this and encourages the audience to speak their voices about gun violence.

     The author of this essay portrayed a very significant message. Her letter to Senator Bob Casey and volunteering for campaigns against gun violence, helped to bring awareness to the topic. I can’t possibly imagine how much hate a person could have against religion and other people’s values to do something so vicious. I agree that we need to end gun violence because of the hate- fueled crimes it causes. I believe Alexis is spreading this message successfully. We need to stand and work together to gradually make the world less violent. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion if it can help to make a change for the better.

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