A Note to Brett Kavanaugh | Teen Ink

A Note to Brett Kavanaugh

November 26, 2018
By ripx BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
ripx BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “A Note to Brett Kavanaugh,” written by Rian M., talks about respecting women. I disagree with most of the writing, but I agree with some of it. I agree that women should be treated with respect and that they are not objects. The author said, “The bodies of women are not chess pieces.” Respecting women is the only part I agree with. I believe the rest of the poem if full of lies. The author says many times that Kavanugh sexually mistreated women. Kavanaugh was proven innocent, so I don’t know why people say he isn’t. People disagree with someone, so they make up lies about them. I think that is horrible. The author also bashes Kavanaugh. The author said, “The simple knowledge of consent is too complicated for your tiny prefrontal cortex to take in.” I don’t really see problems like this in my community, but it could happen. The only thing I am confused about is why people like to accuse people of rape without a true reason. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like Kavanaugh. You can’t wrongly accuse him of rape.

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