Feedback on Dorms in College..and Beyond | Teen Ink

Feedback on Dorms in College..and Beyond

November 2, 2018
By jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
jasmine_lillyyy SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dorms in College...and Beyond by Nicholas Williams discusses the benefits of living in a dorm situation after college. Most teens associate dorm living situations with broke college students eating stale ramen noodle packets as a substitute for a real meal. However, I agree with Nicholas' argument that dorm situations outside of college could prove to be effective. He talks about the similarities between the two which include, utilities, wifi, and social events with room mates (i.e; parties, outings, shared meals). I personally resonate with his idea that dorms can reduce pollutions in traffic in developed cities such as Santa Monica. According to the article, "We value sharing and the efficiencies and would appreciate the dorm-style living." Dorms support all incomes, family situations, and stages of life. Dorm life can be extremely beneficial for both the resident, his/hers' room mates, and the environment. 

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