Mountain Thoughts | Teen Ink

Mountain Thoughts

September 24, 2018
By Tadashy BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Tadashy BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Mountain Thoughts,” written by Rebecca H., talks about being the mountains. Her writing left me feeling wondrous about the world we live in. This selection had me thinking about the world we live in she talks about the world we live in she talks about her being in nature and how complex it is: “Everything is so complicated here, but in such a different way from the meaningless complicated of our society.” She also talks about how our society is destructive and simplified compared to nature and when she said this it really got me thinking. She writes, “I for one, am in no way looking to stepping out of the woods tomorrow and on that bus – that piece of the real world ready to pull me back into its destructive simplified center.” This article makes you think about how simple yet destructive our lives really are and how our lives really are and how our societies today are very meaningless and in the end will return to nature when they are broken down by society.

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