Body Images | Teen Ink

Body Images

June 6, 2016
By problems BRONZE, San Diego, California
problems BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Image this you see everyone looks the same, face , body’s too. That seem pretty boring to me , luckily we do not look the same but there’s a big word body images . Body image is the way you see yourself and imagine how you look. Do you ever feel bad about the way you look ? If so i have a solution for you . i think the best way to overcome body image issues is to surround yourself around positive people.

One way you can get over body image is to surround yourself by positive people who make you happy. I think the best way to be happy is to love yourself, now i am not talking about being obsessed with yourself. Another way is to feel good and be confident about yourself

A second way you can get over  low self-esteem  is to talk to a person that’s close to you ,This will help your body image because you can get problems off your chest .It will make you feel relief. A positive person will give you compliments and they will make you happy. You can ask a positive person what they think of you and they will tell you the truth something positive .

Finally the people who think differently than me think that body image is not a big deal. It gets me mad when the people say image is not a big problem. I hear what they say but they are wrong. Body images are a big deal. LIke for example i have asked my classmates if they have issues with their body ? Out of 26 people, 15 people said yes and 11 people said no. In other people’s opinion that not a lot of people too me. Next time think about say something

The author's comments:

this is an argument essay about body imag

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