Teen Pregnancy | Teen Ink

Teen Pregnancy

March 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Miriam was an average teenage girl living her life. She had a boyfriend, friends, school-al the things many teens have. But when she found out she was pregnant everything changed (Not Alone). Many people judge teens that get pregnant at a young age but really don’t know the struggles that they go through. So why judge someone without knowing what they go through?

Many pregnant teens lose the support they had before they announced their pregnancies at the time they need support the most. This makes it harder for them to take care of their children in an already hard situation. . My friend Jessica got pregnant at the age of 15 and she didn’t know what to do or how to tell her mother about it because she was scared that her mother would change on her and treat her differently. One day she decided to tell her mom because she wasn’t going to be able to hide her belly as it grew as soon as she told her mother her mom was in shock. She didn’t know what to do about it. Weeks went by and her mom started acting differently towards her . Ever since she found out about her being pregnant her mom will tell her told her frequently that she was dirty and she told her she wasn’t going to help her and that she had better find a way to support her child her that she better find the way to support her child

Teen pregnancy can effect a teen’s education and can cause them to stop going to school. My friend Jessica got pregnant at the age of 15 she was still going to school even though she was pregnant but her belly was really little as her belly was growing it really made it hard for her to hide the fact that she was pregnant as the days went by her friends figured out that she was pregnant and she wouldn’t go to school for a couple days, than weeks than months. Soon got to the point where she had stop going to school for good things got worse when her baby’s father was locked up. She got so stressed that it caused her to lose the baby. Later that month she turned 17 and she went back to school again but she was embarrassed because she was going to start all over and be in the 9th grade and not with her friends. Her boyfriend got out of jail and they got pregnant again. She dropped out of school all over again and once again her boyfriend got locked up. When teens get pregnant at a young age its a lot of stress for them because their of what the out comes of them being judge for being pregnant once again.

Teen pregnancy can affect the child’s life as they grow. My friend is 17 now she has a beautiful daughter she’s only a few months old but Jessica always sit back and think to her self how will she tell her daughter about her real father and the things she went through as she was pregnant by her. My friend doesn’t want to tell her daughter when she gets older because she doesn’t want her to know about her real father because he is locked up and will continue to be in there if he keeps on the way he is going but then again she thinks how will she tell her about her step father? He’s in jail also with all of the struggles she’s going through and went through she wants a better life for her daughter because she doesn’t want her daughter to go through what she went through ,she remembers the nights of raising her daughter alone and not having a father figure by her daughter’s side and not having all of the family support she needed. She lost patience sometimes and as sleep deprived. It as hard to look for a job or get a GED because she doesn’t have anyone to watch over her daughter and she worries about how her daughter will turn out to be after all of the things she been through. Would life be easier for her or even hard? Teens who been through a lot and cant get material to support their child it can also affect the child as they grow.

Before you judge a pregnant teen get to know their struggles. The issue of pregnant teens being judged can cause teens to drop out of school and affects not just the teens but the child as well they struggle with the materials for the baby. If less teens get pregnant at a young age. Stay in school prohibits they will have a better life for them and there child. Instead of judging a teen because of their pregnancy why not convince them to stay in school and give them advice?

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on Mar. 24 2013 at 9:37 pm
PrinceHansismyworld SILVER, New Bedford, Massachusetts
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Favorite Quote:
"a villain and a victim should never be the same person”

I agree, I hate when people judge when they see a young person pregnat, like what if it wasn't even their fault?