How to Get Your Summer Body | Teen Ink

How to Get Your Summer Body

July 26, 2010
By Anonymous

Eat some protein. If you don't you will just kill muscle and not grow muscle.

You want to turn on some music to get your mind off the work out.
I find it more fun with music too. Get some music that has a good beat that you can work to.

You want to start off with stretching. You don't want to work out with a stiff body. If you do you will get cramps.

After the stretch you want you lie on your back and do 50 sit-ups, 20 bicycle exercises. Knees to elbows and no cheating. This will give you a great abs.

After that you want to do some leg holds. This is where you lie on your back and lift your legs 4 to 5 inches off the ground. This one will get your back thighs, inner things, and buttocks.

Then after all that you want to do 25 push-ups. Girl style or guy it doesn't matter. This will get your arms and upper body.

This is the last step of them all and it is the most important one. You have to be persistent. That is the major key.

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on Aug. 5 2010 at 10:44 pm
distant_dreamer GOLD, Belmont, New Hampshire
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Did this work for you? Thanks too, I'll try it...but how can you stay and get motivated??? I want to lose weight, fat, sooooooo Bad! Thanks again, and great helpful article! :D