Humour of the Movement | Teen Ink

Humour of the Movement

June 8, 2023
JournalistFromAnotherWorld SILVER, Prague, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The impact the mental state has, as on the very way one moves may seem subtle. Though, due to the instant encounter of all variations any situation could offer, the humanity until the end of their lives learns how to deal with such matter as not to get frenetic and overly influenced when it comes to the border between emotion and the move. The purpose of this essay is to deliberate over the consequences of being taken over by the mental state, thus one’s very own mind.


When imagining what “being carried away” or “overtaken by emotions” means, many tend to see the most obvious patterns. Such as being intoxicated hence staggering as one tries to move along the way. Or else, intentionally elbowing through, becoming resentful of the tedious crowd that is to be expected in the present almost anywhere. This conception on one hand is not to be taken wrong ,on the other, there are far more fascinating examples to set further. Conceive being unsuccessful, irrespective of the time spent practising or studying an activity, subject, text. Gradually, one will begin to doubt themselves, possibly also burning out at worst. All other failures might as well affect the mind and it may only be a matter of time before complete frustration begins to control one’s routine, moreover mindset. It is often these struggles that lead to mental issues as depression or constant sickness, due to the lack of energy essential to one’s immune system.


In contrast though, one’s exuberance and wittiness might guide them through a tougher circumstance. At first this kind of approach may appear as difficult to achieve. However, with practise and discipline as well as potential professional help, taking control over the body rather than letting the brain do so should have one be at ease with themselves. Furthermore, not feeling remorseful to the action preceding another conflict of no use, however, rather comfortable and affable. Having one glide through, perhaps even the office, may inspire others to decrease their preoccupation and notice the smallest enjoyments life has to offer. Should one come to such understanding of themselves, even rendezvousing the malevolent ones might come across as only imperceptible struggle. Along, disconnecting from feeling envious of the successful and prosperous has one composed, thus achieving the great success.


If the mind did not interfere with us, then would the logic of biology completely collapse. Still, as previously mentioned, one should not let it control the movement completely. As any other element, all is taken to be health-beneficial to a certain extent. Meaning, having one struggle taking charge of their own self, then professional guidance is immensely recommended. In the end, the greatest accomplishments are the ones of the daily life.

The author's comments:

The border between our mood and movement is rather thin. Although we may not realize it, we often act on the base of our mental state, which then happens to be subsequently regretted. While also speaking about the issue, the essay includes a possible guidance to deal with such matters.

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