The Black Rhino Faces Extinction | Teen Ink

The Black Rhino Faces Extinction

February 4, 2009
By HarleyBoy SILVER, Wells, Maine
HarleyBoy SILVER, Wells, Maine
7 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Although it is a little known fact, the Endangered Species list of animals is climbing at an alarming rate. The world contains nearly one thousand endangered species of animals and is acquiring new members every month. The list of Endangered Species includes mammals, birds, insects, and marine life. Although many people think that elephants are the most endangered species, it is actually the Black Rhino that has the highest chance of extinction. Due to poaching for their large and valuable horns, the Black Rhino population has declined 90% since 1970 to become number-one on the endangered species list. Poaching of these large and majestic animals has been illegal for more than 20 years, yet the problem still continues to be an issue. As of early July 2007, the World Conservation Union declares one of four sub-species of the Black Rhino extinct. This sub-specie is known as the West African Black Rhino. So what can we do to save the remaining Black Rhinos? Numerous clubs and organizations have been started for protecting African mammals just like the Black Rhino, but poaching continues to be a problem. More recently, an act of 'Shoot on sight' has been put into play in regions of Africa. The act calls for park officials to take down poachers who are after rhino and elephant horns. The earlier methods of trying to talk reason and get rid of poachers without bloodshed proved to act ineffectively. These poachers are now killing Black Rhinos at an alarming rate of one per day. Some still believe in organizations and non-violent ways to stop poaching, but until a more peaceful effect works better, the shoot on sight method is all we have to win the battle against poachers. 'This is a war we simply must win.' Says Chief Warden Tatham. If you would like to see the Black Rhino population stay strong and would like to contribute, more information is available at

The author's comments:
I wrote this article to inform the public about this majestic creature and what the future may hold for it. I am the editor of my school newspaper and have been an amateur writer for several years.


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