Creatures | Teen Ink


March 14, 2008
By Anonymous

When some people think of ducks, they think filthy animals. Because they swim in filthy ponds, and don't bathe right. Well it is not really what they think, ducks are very clean and colorful. And they are adorable when they are young, Ducklings get cleaned by their mother's when they are young. When ducks get older they clean themselves, and the water in the pond and rain helps. Keep them clean.

Although they are annoying when they keep on quacking, like when they are protecting their ducklings. Some people like my friend's grandmother have Duck Phobia. People with Duck Phobia can get breathlessness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control or a full blown anxiety attack when they see or get near a duck. I feel sorry for them because they can't see the beauty of a duck.

I like ducks.They are great creatures, they are like birds.They hunt for fish and not worms like birds do. Ducks are close to there family. Ducks have families and feelings just like people. But ducks have feathers, wings, and they can fly. There are mallards, wood ducks, dabbling ducks and teals where I live.

I think ducklings are cute when they are first born and when they are young. When you pick up a new born duck it is so adorable you get a special feeling, like when you pick up a new born baby for the first time, like your life has changed. Ducks aren't just adorable, they are also humorous like on cartoons like Daffy Duck, or sometimes in the comics.

Ducks are wonderful creatures that shouldn't be hunted when it is hunting season, even if hunters think it is fun. If people keep hunting ducks they could become endangered or extinct. Then you couldn't enjoy looking at them or feeding them at ponds. I don't like it that people eat ducks. I think we should be able to enjoy their beauty.

Around Easter time most of the stores sell stuffed ducks, toy ducks, and live ducks, or chicks that shows how much people enjoy having ducks in their lives.

When some people think of ducks, they think filthy animals. Because they swim in filthy ponds, and don't bathe right. Well it is not really what they think, ducks are very clean and colorful. And they are adorable when they are young, Ducklings get cleaned by their mother's when they are young. When ducks get older they clean themselves, and the water in the pond and rain helps. Keep them clean.


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