Top 6 Ways To Get Community Service!! | Teen Ink

Top 6 Ways To Get Community Service!!

May 5, 2009
By KayBUBBLYKay BRONZE, Watford, Other
KayBUBBLYKay BRONZE, Watford, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong

You ask me where I get my ideas. That I cannot tell you with certainty. They come unsummoned, directly, indirectly - I could seize them with my hands - out in open air, in the woods, while walking, in the silence of the nights, at dawn, excited by moods which are translated by the poet into words, by me into tunes that sound and roar and storm about me till I have set them down in notes.

Alright Everyone has those times where they dont know what to do for Community service and i have 10 great way to get them!!

1. Cut Peoples Grass For FREE

2: Voulenter to sell flowers (or other things)

3: Help out around the house

4: Voulenter to help out after school!

5: Hold Doors For people (or stuff like that)

6: Help out at your parents work (if allowed)

Hope This Helps!!!

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