Army of Rejects | Teen Ink

Army of Rejects

October 27, 2014
By Cullsterr SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cullsterr SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying. It is not a thing to joke about. I know firsthand. It was never fun. I hated going to school because of the bullies. Everyday going to school was like walking straight into Hell. The saying “sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can not hurt me,” well that is totally B.S. Words can hurt and they can hurt worse than any stick or stone. A stick or stone may cause a lot of pain, but it goes away; words, though, those attack your brain and once they are in there, they stay there forever.
Kids can be so cruel. They made fun of me for just about everything I did. Some of the things I couldn’t even control, like where I lived or the clothes I got handed down to me from older siblings.
Bullying it is a terrible thing to be a victim of and there is no real way to stop it unless we all join together. We can call ourselves the Army of Rejects.
Now I wish I had thought of this in middle school and during freshmen and sophomore years because the bullying was absolutely horrible. I was the target of everybody. There was no escape. I was so happy when high school rolled around because I was thinking, yes I get to escape from all of these jerks. But that was wishful thinking.
Going from middle school to high school was like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire because there was no change.  I was still beat up and picked on in the locker rooms. In middle school, I was in at least 10 different physical fights because I was trying to stand up for myself like my dad told me to.
He said, “You are way bigger then over half the kids in your class. Why don’t you use your size to your advantage?”
So that’s what I did. If kids were being cruel and picking on me or pushing me around, I would take a swing at them and then we would get into fights and it would usually end with me shoving the kid into the other bullies and knocking them down.Then I would rush out of the locker room while they would still be yelling names like spaz, loser, freak, fag, retard, or other mean names.
I was trapped I had no help, no one to talk to and it was horrible. It got so bad that I started to cut myself and eventually I thought of killing myself to end the pain. I thought I should pull the trigger or slide the blade across my neck or my wrist. I almost went through with it, until I found a friend.
It was luck. I was getting so low and then I found her someone who was going through the same thing I was going through and we were able to talk everyday and it helped.
Because of my friend helping me, I helped her at the same time. We helped each other. Yes, we helped save each other’s lives. With the help from my friend, I was able to find other friends who helped me to and eventually I was surrounded by people who were similar to me. I had a network of friends, my army of friends, my Army of Rejects. Together, we stand strong, proud, and united. Together, we lead the charge to stop bullying. And together, we are creating a brighter tomorrow for everyone.

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