Bullying Hurts! | Teen Ink

Bullying Hurts!

November 6, 2013
By Ramatoulie BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
Ramatoulie BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of time of the person you are."

My heart is beating fast, wind blowing on the back of my neck, I feel scared to leave the house or go to school today. Why I am so afraid you may ask? I am afraid of a human being just like myself, afraid of going out there and being talked about or picked on, afraid that I will get hit again. I have all of this going on in my life and yet I don't have the guts to tell my parents or anybody, neither do I have the guts to stand up for myself. Well I say that enough is enough!

I am tired of being scared, I am tired of being pushed in the edge, but with all of this going on it makes me wonder why. Why does somebody that I have never talked to before want to treat me this way, someone that never even got a chance to know me. Everyday, I will go home and cry, but then I will also pray for the person, my bully, because I have a feeling that they need to be saved. The thing that confuses me about all of this is the fact that there are so many people in this world, and she chose me to be her victim, but why me? Is it because I am different or that I act different? Well I am done asking these questions, and thinking that everyday it's going to be over when it tends to be worse. Its finally time for me to stand up, for me to not just be a mouse afraid of the cat, but to be the lion and make sure that I speak for myself.

When standing up for yourself, you should not be violent but you should be calm and: Speak strongly and calmly, Face the bully directly, Look straight into the bully's eye, use appropriate language, Don't stand too close or too far from the bully, and lastly have a calm look on your face and do not show any signs of fear. When you are done doing this steps, then it will be time to build up on your self-esteem. You have to be able to believe that you are beautiful, God made everyone different for a reason. God made humans different because he wanted each of us to have something unique about us, we should not care what people say or think about us because if you actually think about it, you get treated bad if you think bad about yourself and you get treated good if you love yourself but not too much in a way for you to be selfish. After writing this, I have realized that i need to take my own advice and do all these things that i just said to do because I really am quiet but I just stay isolated and not do anything about it, so in a way i am a hypocrite but I am going to change that because I am also going to stand up for myself today!

So my fellow bullied victims, Its time to stand up, its time to say enough is enough and start believing in yourself. Lets stop letting others take advantage of us because we are special, unique, beautiful and God’s children. He is watching us so just remember to pray and have faith in Him because He made us and our bullies and only he knows why he chose us to be victims but I know that one day this all will end and i will no longer be afraid of my fellow human being.

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