Bulling is so wrong | Teen Ink

Bulling is so wrong

October 31, 2013
By Anonymous

I have been tring to find out how to stop bulling.(because it happens to me and I don't like it!)I have talked to some people and they say that people have to find out how to get their anger out and they can't seem to find other ways to.I will start a bulling wall to try to help the people that need help.I know how people feel because i sometimes bully but i mean everyone does it.I know this might be silly but ever since my grandpa died my life has gone down hill.I mean he died,the flood of 2011,my dad doing bad things,my stepmom stealing,and a lot more.When I get upset I just listen to Scotty McCeery.I mean every body has their ways to get rit of anger it could be bulling,listening to music,talking to people,and just hiding it.Everybody has their ways.

The author's comments:
try not to bully!!!

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