Bullying | Teen Ink


May 9, 2013
By Mariah Doss BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Mariah Doss BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think a major problem in our school today is bullying. Bullying occurs in schools all over the nation and is a growing problem. Because of bullying teens across America are taking it into their hands to stop the bullying that is happening to them, these solutions include suicide and school shootings. For people to think that this is the only way to handle their bullying makes me sick to my stomach. America is a nation where we encourage unity and togetherness, so why aren’t we working together to help those being bullied? It is by nature that we not get along with everyone, but do we have to taunt and mock the ones we don’t get along with? Do we have to shove and trip them in the halls? The answer is no. Those being bullied aren’t just bullied at school, but at home on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Because our generations endless supply of technology the bulling seems to never go away. Since the torture seems endless to those being bullied they feel the only way to fix it is to take their own life or the lives of those bullying them. This however is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and there are better ways to end bulling than this. One way we can end bullying is to speak up for those being bullied when we see the problem occurring, regardless if the person is your friend or not. Another way is to make people feel less alone. If there is someone new in your school and is sitting by themselves, go sit with them and talk to them. This helps them feel like they are not alone and are not being ignored. Statistics from CNN show that the majority of shooters in America today were “loners” at school and would less likely to commit an act of violence if they had a friend or involved parent to comfort them. The answer to bullying is not suicide or killing of classmates, but to reach out to comfort and help those being effected by bullying. Speaking up for those that are afraid to. The solution can be as easy as flashing a smile and a wave to someone who is walking alone in the hall, say hello to someone sitting by themselves at a table, or telling someone to simply stop their actions if they see it is hurting others. The answer is not to fight bullying alone, but together as one united nation like our founding fathers called us to be.

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