Take a Stand | Teen Ink

Take a Stand

May 3, 2013
By sakura-onsen BRONZE, Fountain Inn, South Carolina
sakura-onsen BRONZE, Fountain Inn, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that bullies bully because of jealousy and insecurities. The need to put someone down stems from a need to lift oneself up. Bullies feel a burning need to make themselves look better, and unfortunately it has become a norm in our society to accept this as a standard and glorify it. The names bullies call people are how they feel of themselves, and the only reason is for social needs, to fit in.
One of my favorite quotes applies so well here. “To love is nothing… To be loved is something… To love and be loved is everything.” That one person who’s willing to stand up, who’s willing to be a friend, they are the world. One person can be the difference between life and death for someone being bullied. If something is happening stand up, smile, pick up books, offer a hand.
As someone who was bullied I can say that you can get over it. It’s not easy and it’s not over night, but it’s possible. While good things can be temporary, so can bad things. They won’t last forever and the more you fight the closer you are to winning. Don’t let yourself get taken over by the words someone calls you, they are words not truth. As much as I wish I could say there’s an easy way out, there isn’t. I know it’s not easy to have someone call you fat, or ugly, or nerd, and walk through the day and not believe it, but it’s not true, and as unfortunate as it is the more you respond, the more bullying will come, because you’re giving the bully what they want, recognition.
We have to rise above and not let them win. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are you, and that is nothing to be ashamed of, and never let anyone tell you differently. Fight, win, and don’t give up, your worth the struggle. I think everyone knows the saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” but my mom always added another verse that while somewhat coarse makes the quote more reality than fantasy, “When I’m dead and in my grave, you’ll be sorry for what you called me.”

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