Bullied | Teen Ink


March 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Bulling could take people to certain extents such as suicide, depression, and etc.
To me bulling took me to depresssion,lonelyness,shamefulness, and the most important
one , lack of self-confidence. After getting bullied, I have no more confidence in myself. I
still get bullied even now. I’m not usually comfortable talking about my history about
getting bullied. People may say I’m exaggerating, but what my bullies did to me, scarred
me for life. Now I would like to share with you my stories about me getting bullied , (the
names in my stories have been changed .) 6th grade was my first year of getting bullied
and the worst. People would make fun of me calling me Pinocchio, frizzy hair freak, call
me ugly and push me around. Boys were the ones who made fun of me. So now I
Automatically assume every boy thinks I’m ugly. One time in class a boy named Andy
and a boy named Gabe purposely sat in front of me in class and Andy told Gabe that he
liked me Gab said “what ? you like her?! I can’t believe you like Pinocchio?!” then Andy
said “syke no one will like her!” then laughed and moved to different sets. At recess
Fernando, Mathew, Lucas, Andy ,and Gabe would yell Pinocchio and frizzy hair freak at
me, they would push me and taught me. Every day when I got home I would cry. In 7th
grade everything got better until s girl named Jolene. She began to be really mean to
me she would also call me names. She started telling people lies and made up roomers
I started feeling alone. Now this year wasn’t the best year too. In my favorite class,
About 7 girls including my ex best friend would talk bad things about me behind my
back literary. They would tell people lies about me and even to my teacher! It
sometimes would get me in trouble for stuff I didn’t do. It came to the point where
it became a hostile environment for me, I didn’t even want to go to my favorite
class anymore, or show up for school!” For three years now I’ve been bullied. Ever
since then I have paranoia. Whenever I walk past a group of people that are laughing I
think there laughing at me. I hate by big crowds and when I do I always look down, I
afraid once I leave they’ll talk about me. I have no confidence in myself, I always seem
to convince myself I’m ugly. People don’t truly understand how bulling effects people
mentally and physically. I for one have been deeply effected and now have to carry
this nightmare forever.

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