Teen Depression | Teen Ink

Teen Depression

March 20, 2013
By AnnyMarie BRONZE, Phildelphia, Pennsylvania
AnnyMarie BRONZE, Phildelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Depression can happen to anyone, it is caused by many things, the main cause is bullying; not being good enough for the world is something people think all the time, there’s the pressure to be perfect or there’s something ‘wrong’ with you. Depression is normal, it doesn’t mean you’re weird, or different from others; you’re just going through this phase in life that some people don’t go through. Nobody deserves to go through depression. Teen Depression is a very serious thing, it can be life threatening to many and just something that popped up in their life and made them a better person later on in life.
Demi Lovato is one of the many role models that has gone through depression, she has saved millions of lives because of her strength that she had going through rehab. Her song “Skyscraper” is said to be one of the most emotional songs that she has sang. The song had her in tears, because she could really connect to it and knew that her fans would connect to it too. Skyscraper is a song about overcoming something and rising above those who hurt/hate you. The famous line, “I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper” came from the song and sends a very strong message, even through those 10 little words. Demi got tattoos that said ‘Stay Strong’ on her wrists after she got out of rehab; the tattoos are a reminder that she has to stay strong no matter what. Many teens and some adults can really connect/relate to Demi Lovato’s struggle through her depression. She has shown that if she could get through it, anyone can. Demi is a true inspiration to thousands of people all over the world.
You may have depression and not even know it. Here are some symptoms:

Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions

Fatigue/decreased energy

Feeling guilty, worthless, and/or helpless

Feeling hopeless

Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping

Irritability, restlessness

Losing interest in activities/hobbies once pleasurable, including sex

Overeating or losing your appetite

Constant aches/pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that don’t go away even with treatment

Feeling sad, anxious, or "empty"

Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts
If you have any of these symptoms, you might want to let someone you trust help you out with this, so that you won’t do something you regret.
If you’re dealing with depression, don’t just keep your feelings to yourself. Tell a school counselor, a friend, a therapist, your parent(s), a teacher, just anybody you can trust. It’s never good to keep your feelings bottled up inside you. It’s always best to have a friend helping you the whole way. Tell someone, because if you don’t, it could cost you your life.

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