my last farewell | Teen Ink

my last farewell

March 13, 2013
By Anonymous

i walk down these crowded halls alone
i dont talk to anyone, no one will accept me
i wish that you could see me, but i am invisible
if you only could know me, mabey you wouldnt think im so bad after all.

just once, can you look into my eyes?
you say, i am not good enough
just for today, can you hear my voice?
you say, i am looking ugly!

i sit at my table at home by myself
i dont eat a bite, mabey if i am skinny it will be alright
i wish that you could see underneieth my mask
if only you would give me a chance, mabey i wouldnt cut again.

once again, dont you see all of my pain?
you think, you are so much better
just for one moment, can you understand?
you think, i am fine, but i am dying!

all this time, you've been laughing at me
all this time, i have been waiting to see
if this world, could really be a better place
if it is worth to stay...when you are all treating me this way!
i am giving up, i wish there was another way
tried to keep up...but i am falling!
and no one will miss me...i am leaving.

the end.

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