You're Not Alone | Teen Ink

You're Not Alone

February 25, 2013
By Lauren0113 BRONZE, Port Richey, Florida
Lauren0113 BRONZE, Port Richey, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So I was sitting in Drama class the other day and my teacher said to me, ”You are the driver of your own life, if you rather be a passenger and let someone else take the wheel, well then that’s your choice.” Then that made me think. When people get bullied, they listen to what that person tells them and they start to believe it. That person may affect them for the rest of their life or “control their wheel” so to speak. I’m here to stop that, to tell the bullied that they are not alone. I want everyone to feel equal and be the driver of his or her own life and not let someone else take the wheel.

I can say that I have been called many names and yes those bullies did affect for a while anyway. I said to myself, “Why should the affect me? I mean I think I’m beautiful and that’s all that matters. Also beauty is not just on the outside, it’s also within too.” Everyone has to believe that it’s only what you think about yourself and not what others think.

It is sickening to see people commit suicide because of bullies. If you or someone you know is getting bullied tell and adult. If you don’t then the problem will never get resolved. Don’t let bullying move into your future make it your past! Rise above your past and fight for your future. Be a bully’s dream!

There are many ways to fix this problem, but I believe the number one answer is to just ignore it. Ignoring the problem could be the choice for you. Don’t play their game anymore! If it keeps going on then we all just might end up being empty shells at the bottom of the ocean. Just take control. We are all beautifully strange.

I once read, “ Your hate won’t change anything, you must encounter hate with love, and forget their ignorance. Forgive those who cannot understand who you are inside, because your tolerance is worth more than their intolerance.” That inspired me and I hope it will inspire you. You can be as strong as that person! It’s your time to shine. It will only become possible if you make it possible. My hope is to make the invisible visible…

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