Standing By | Teen Ink

Standing By

February 16, 2013
By bluebelle331 BRONZE, Saint Petersburg, Florida
bluebelle331 BRONZE, Saint Petersburg, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If people only viewed the world from their perspective what a selfish and boring world it would be."
- anonymous

*thunk* I closed my Locker, finally the end of the day. I took my usual secluded route to exit the school. The only noises I hear as I go from one hallway to the next are my own footsteps and something else. Crying, I stop a nearby corner to prevent my watch being notice. It was Julia-Tulia.
Julia-Tulia or J.T. to most isn't a popular girl, or even really friendly in that matter. She is a little church girl that is very opinionated. She was disdained by most of her classmates, and even by the upperclassmen. So she sticks around her friends and by friends, I mean a group of freshman that could tolerate her. She isn't a particularly special, more of a nerd if you stereotyped her. However that doesn't mean she was given sympathy for her weird additude.

I guess that's what got in the situation she's in now. She let out a large moan, tears running down her face as yet another blown was upon her assaulted abdomen. Her cheese Make-up running down her face, as they called her the whole book of obscenities.

My head wracked around as I tried to think what was there to do. She must have provoked them, mustn't she? She did have a bad habit of calling her bullies unflattering names and she always did tell way too many people about the that happened to her. Maybe she had been asking for the beating? Maybe not though... Right now I need to get some help. Some adult help.
I ran to the near Classroom, it was Mr. Davis's room. I said " Julia-Tulia is being beaten!" He looked up from his work and Squinted at me,"At what Game?""this is no game!" I snapped, "Hurry, I don't know how much longer she'll last!" We ran outside to the abandon courtyard.
J.T. lay on her side, half of her face stained with blood and sweat. She held her arm to her side it lay at unnatural angle. Her legs covered in bruises and broken skin. Her eyes half open, most likely slipping into a unconsciousness state i wanted to shake her but it would've most likely put her in even more pain then she already was. I looked up to Mr. Davis he already had his phone out.
Julia Lay in a hospital bed a week after the incident. her arm in a cast, her legs and torso in bandages." Thank you Marissa, you saved my life." she wheezed out of her bruised mouth."what else was I to do J.T., Just stay there standing by?"

The author's comments:
There is a girl like J.T. in my school and wrote this in my journalism class and I liked how it turned out.

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