Big Vs. Small | Teen Ink

Big Vs. Small

January 30, 2013
By sona.trika GOLD, San Diego, California
sona.trika GOLD, San Diego, California
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Big Vs. Small, Little and Tall,
Troublemakers looking for a brawl,
Anger, hatred, unkind faces,
Talkin’ ‘bout colors and all different races.

They don’t know who they are kidding,
Everyone’s watching, everyone’s listening,
Teasing and calling names is awfully sad,
Being a bystander’s just as bad.

Popular kids on the street all do it,
“Come on now, there’s nothing to it”
That’s what they say when they get started,
But they don’t know the damage they’ve imparted,
“It’s cool to be mean”,
Now that’s just obscene!

Does being rude make you look cool,
Does it make you popular at school?
Hurt feelings, crying and stress,
Everyone’s emotional, and she’s a hot mess.

This generates tension, sticky situations,
Involves families, and complex relations.
Hearts bruised, emotions scarred,
So many people aching, its just too hard.
The Earth is for sharing, we all belong,
Why can’t everyone just get along?

The author's comments:
In this world, we have to learn to fend for ourselves. STAY STRONG.

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