Bullying is Still a Problem | Teen Ink

Bullying is Still a Problem

January 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Bullying is a topic that every incoming freshman has on their mind. No kid wants to go into high school and get bullied by other classmates. There are three types of bullying that I believe are the most common. There is cyber bullying, physical bullying, and verbal bullying. All of these need to come to an end because bullying can have serious consequences if they aren’t handled properly.
According to merriam-webster.com, cyber bullying is, “the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously.” Kids will comment on a Facebook post or Tweet at someone if they don’t like what they said. Most cyber bullying happens on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In my opinion, cyber bullying is the most common bullying. Kids will make fun of other kids on the internet because they know that they can’t do anything about it. Cyber bullies are cowards that hide behind their computer.
Physical bullying can be anything that includes a physical altercation, such as, hitting, pushing, tripping, slapping, spitting, and stealing or destroying of one’s belongings. For example, I’ve seen fist fights break out at lunch. We’ve all heard of kids getting their head shoved in the toilet or a kid getting stuffed in a locker, but realistically that doesn’t happen much. I believe physical bullying isn’t as much of a problem as it use to be. Most physical bullying is done in elementary school or middle school. I feel as if physical bullying is the least common of the other bullying tactics because physical altercations have the worst consequences and are the easiest to prevent.
Verbal bullying is when someone says something disrespectful to another in person. A few examples could be swearing at someone or making fun of them for their views. I’ve seen students get into swearing altercations in the hallway at school numerous times. Verbal bullying is hard for adults or teachers to see. Oftentimes when a bully gets caught in the act of harassment, they will say or it’s just a joke. Verbal bullying can be done in many places; some examples would be in hallways, in the bathrooms, or at recess.
I believe that bullying needs to be stopped. Kids are doing harmful things to themselves because of bullying. One way to avoid or to get rid of bullies is to avoid them or ignore the actions. If you ignore them, they will get bored of you and they will stop bullying you. If they don’t stop bullying you, then you should take further action and tell an adult.

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raindove said...
on Oct. 14 2016 at 4:12 pm
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Great Advice!