Abuse of Others | Teen Ink

Abuse of Others

January 14, 2013
By Anonymous

People think that bullying is only done on the bus or at school. That fact that everyone wants to believe is true, well, it's not. It is one of the biggest lies of our life.

We all know the types of abuse, but they are physical, mental, emotional, cyber bullying, and sexual. All of this can be subtle or flat-out harassment. Why do others do it? Is it because bullies feel insecure? Possibly. Is it because the bully is abused at home? Most people want to jump to this conclusion, but not always is it true. Is it because bullies like knowing people are scared of them, knowing that they basically rule the school? For some bullies, this is true. I think it is a little of all of this, tied up with the fact some bullies like causing people pain.

Abuse is everywhere, done by people you otherwise trust, love, or lives with and/or beside. Abuse is a higher form of bullying. We need to open our eyes and see the world as it really is, for once and all.

The author's comments:
I have been bullied my entire life in every form. My father abused me and my brothers in every way but sexual. I know how feels to feel defenceless against someone. Please rate and comment.

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