January 13, 2013
By briannahowell BRONZE, Bronx, New York
briannahowell BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Bullying has become a major issue in south Bronx schools. Teachers and others adults need to imitate action whenever seeing such behavior. Because bullying can lead to suicides and depression. People don’t realize the significance of school bullying. So I started interviewing students in my school between the age of 14 and 16. And I came to the conclusion that students have been bullied since middle school and it has gotten worse once students began high school.

It was interesting the students at my school were scared to admit they have been bullied. Students gave me their definition on what bullying meant to them, a student stated “bullying is when people that are more popular or more recognized tease you or another person about something they don’t have “. This is sometimes the case why people get bullied but it’s not their fault nor their problem if they can’t wear the same clothes as everyone else. Another student then stated what bullying meant to her which was “making fun of someone you don’t know or intentionally”. People get bullied and judged all the time based on their appearance in high school, school should be the safest place for students instead kids are feeling scared.

In the Bronx letters 50% percent of the students get picked on every year in high school, and teachers don’t seem to realize this until a fight breaks out. Bullying can change the way people look at themselves. Majority of the students admitted they have been bullied the other half didn’t and expressed how it made them feel as a person. A student stated “I felt hurt, sad, and vulnerable. I didn’t like what I saw myself as when I was bullied “. This was sad to hear this student say but overall it has made her stronger as a person to admit the struggles she went through in her past. Another student stated “I should say stop but that least might escalate the problem”. Students are sometimes afraid to speak up because their scared of the reaction from the other person , students don’t realize speaking up is the all fighting you have to do to be taken seriously.

Kids are constantly being harassed and worst of all being humiliated in front of crowds of people. Bullying may start in school but it can lead outside of school as well. Which leads to my final statement Bronx letter is an unsafe environment for some kids. Majority of the student in the school said yes and the other stated no. One of the students stated “yeah it’s whatever because im not scared of anyone but god so my satty in this school is like whatever because in very good at protecting my self “. Kids who have been bullied tend to do horrible things as they grow older based on what other people have done to them in the past.

In conclusion bullying needs to be stopped, being bullied all the time can lead to death and bad behavior. Also bullying isn’t just a person saying or doing things to bring a person down; it also becomes a personal battle for victims.

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on Jan. 16 2013 at 12:15 pm
LinkinPark12 PLATINUM, Lincolnshire, Other
45 articles 1 photo 198 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work like you don’t need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching. ¦ I like change - but only when everything stays the same.

I like the research you've done, and the results are very interesting. However, you need to work and grammar, and in my opinion, I hate the phrase "in conclusion" used anywhere other than school reports. But a really good job. Well done.