My Bullying Story. | Teen Ink

My Bullying Story.

January 12, 2013
By GeeHoranxx BRONZE, Houston, Texas
GeeHoranxx BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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Favorite Quote:
"Don't do a permanent thing for temporary problems" - Unknown.

In elementary, you're supposed to have the time of your life. Most people I know say that if they can go back in time, they'll go back to when they were in elementary. As for me, I would not. I hated my elementary years. I was young, but dealt with a lot of pain.
From Kindergarten to fifth grade I was bullied verbally and had to deal with social alienation. Verbal bullying is basically when you get made fun of a lot. Social Alienation is when you get ignored in a group on purpose and they spread rumors about you.
I used to live in Houston, Texas but then moved to Ft. Worth, Texas when my parents divorced for "a better life". Or so, that's what my mom had said. There was nothing better about my life because in kindergarten, I had to deal with social alienation. I know, I was a toddler, but even when you're a toddler you get sad because you don't fit in. I don't exactly remember much, but I still recall the loneliness I felt. In first grade, I had a best friend. It was a boy and he was like a brother to me. I remember that quite clearly. Later on through the year, he moved. I never really got along with all the other kids so I was alone, again.
In second grade, the bullying had changed verbally. I was shorter than the others, so they always picked on me because of that. I also wasn't very pretty. I would get reminded everyday about that... Though my appearance wasn't the best, I could never see how I was different than the others. I was always quiet, so what had I done to them that made them hate me so much? Even I was starting to hate myself. But it wasn't until third grade when the bullying struck me hard.
For my third grade year, I changed schools. That summer, my triplet sisters had passed away and it was extremely hard for me to smile. I entered my new school year quieter than ever. I was both depressed and scared.
I remember I sat right next to this girl named Ashley. She was outgoing and made me forget that I was hurting. Me and her became best friends and I had felt happier than ever. I was starting to think that I could spend the rest of my elementary years happy until yet another tragic event occurred in my life. Ashley moved in the middle of the school year and for the third time, I was alone. I wouldn't speak to anybody else in my class, because I would always be with Ashley. I had grown so attached to her, because she was only the second true friend I had ever had. Not too long after, these two girls tried becoming my friend. I started hanging out with them day after day, but little did I know it was the worst decision of my life.
They were only using me to make fun of me and make me feel ignored. I was just the third wheel who tagged along. They were so mean to me, but I was in no position to leave or else I would be alone again. I tried to talk to the other kids, but for some reason they wouldn't like me... I would try to break away from my two bully's, but it never worked. I hated those lonely lunches and the times when I was alone on the playground. I would return to them and fell horrible. I would go home crying, because I just hated school. I hated my life.
I had to deal with that all through fifth grade. In fifth grade though, I tried staying away from those two girls I hated so much. I was starting to talk to more people, but then rumors were starting to be spread about me. I would go talk to my counselor, but he wasn't much help. I would only embarrass myself by starting to cry...
It was summer when I got the opportunity to break away because I was entering middle school. I would be able to make new friends and be happy... And I did succeed in that. There was people all over the place, that there was no way I could feel alone. I never knew that there was people out there that wouldn't judge you. They would make you feel accepted. But Even though I had friends, the hurt made me feel horrible. I went into deep depression and started cutting myself. I had a lot of suicidal thoughts and I felt as if no one could help me. I went to see my counselor, but he didn't help me much. He just didn't understand. And my mother... yeah, she was no help. She thought I was faking it and just wanted attention. The same thing she thought when I would tell her I was being bullied. Even though I would come home crying.

I'm now in the eighth grade and still am depressed. But my social life is doing pretty good. I have two best friends. I also have a whole bunch of other friends in every one of my classes. A lot of stuff has happened in my life, so I'm not entirely happy, but I'm glad that I'm not being bullied a lot. But, being bullied has effected me a lot. I have anxiety problems, mostly when meeting new people, I've been dealing with depression for a long time, I'm socially awkward, I'm insecure, from time to time I still feel that loneliness even with my friends are around. There's so much things wrong with me mentally and I blame it all on my bullying. If people weren't so mean to me, maybe I would be confident about my appearance. Maybe I wouldn't get scared on meeting new people. Maybe I wouldn't have to feel so hurt... And I have gotten help on this, but still I am not fully recovered.
Don't bully you guys. It's not good at all. It doesn't make you cool, it doesn't make you popular. It just hurts the person SO much and it has a long lasting effect. If you ever see someone alone, go with them. Make them your friend and let them know that they are an amazing person. It will help them very much.

I still tear up when I think about the times I was being bullied, but I'm glad that I made it through. And if you're currently being bullied, I know that you will too. Just keep being strong and never give up. Your future is bright.

The author's comments:
Here's my bullying story. When I was being bullied, I didn't eat much. I would go two days without eating. But now I do, i guess. Oh and apart from being bullied at school, I was being bullied at home from my cousin's on my dad's side of the family. They don't bully me by words anymore, but they still like to ignore me. Oh well...

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