Narritive Of A Gay Asian Kid | Teen Ink

Narritive Of A Gay Asian Kid

December 11, 2012
By J.Ross BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
J.Ross BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found Jaemin Lee's article, "Narrative Of A Gay Asian Kid", extremely moving. As a member of the LGBT communtiy, I can relate to Jaemin. I have been bullied on multiple occasions for my sexuality, so I understand what Jaemin has been through. This article can encourage other people to think about the effects of what you say before you say it. One quote in this article really struck me. "I was more than a gay stereotype: more than anything, I was human." This shows the audience that your sexual orientation does not change who you are as a person. Thank you, Jaemin for opening the eyes of me, among many others.

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