Pressure | Teen Ink


June 7, 2018
By _Scribe_ BRONZE, Katy, Texas
_Scribe_ BRONZE, Katy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Good fences make good neighbors.

Pressure is everywhere. It's around the corner of your block, where some poor guy's friends are urging him to kick a stray dog, even if he knows it's not the right thing. It's outside your bedroom, where your parents are pushing your sister to study harder in Math. It's over text, where your friends tease you for being the only one to not have experienced any sexual actions. 

Ever wonder what's going to happen to the guy and the dog? Well, in most cases, he'll fail to resist and end up tangled in his friend's influence. But why?

For many people, and definitely for this guy, friends are an important influence in our lives. They're the people you can trust to always fight on your side, the close-to-heart alternative to family. So, obviously, you'll do almost anything to keep these people loyal and unwavering, even if it means lying, backstabbing, and hurting an innocent individual. Especially in the days when you're going through puberty, and suddenly, your parents don't understand a thing, and all you have for consolation and advice, are these very special people.

But stop, and think. Is this REALLY the right thing? Are you REALLY doing what your moral compass is saying you to do? Is this REALLY worth it? These three questions just might help you through the fog of unjust influence.

But don't get the wrong idea. I'm not saying for you to turn around and instantly distrust your closest BFF. Usually, they're influencing for the good of your being. Just know that these are the people that have your back.

Now, what about your sister, who's drowning in the expectation of better grades?

Some of the most pressure comes from your guardians. Like the crazy sports-loving dad that flips up his son when he fumbles in Football, slaps him when he misses in Soccer, and batters him when he can't get a home run in Baseball (okay, I'm probably exaggerating, but you get what I mean). Point is, parents can be pretty heavy on the whole pressure thing.

I'm sure you've experienced the "Parent Pressure" once before. The disappointment. The wanting to please them.

Yeah, it can get pretty rough.

But the important thing to remember is that your parents (usually) only want the best for you. They pressure you with grades because they want you to get into a good college, they pressure you with sports so you don't need to get beat up by the other kids for being the worst player, and they pressure you in almost everything else (including how much you eat, seems strange, I know)!

Parents are your guardians. Their job is to look after you, guard you until you're old enough and remotely responsible. It's their responsibility. Their duty.

And don't forget, they LOVE you too! Most parents (usually) plan carefully before they decide to get a child. Months of careful planning and preparation, all for you! (Doesn't that make you feel better?) 

But there are cases when the children come by accident. (We'll talk about that later though.)

Point is, yeah, your parents may be harsh. And yeah, they pester you constantly about way too many things at once. But they only want the VERY best for you, their child. Don't break the family relationship!

Now, the next and final main point we'll discuss today, the texts. 

Yes, the texts. The texts about sex, about being the only one who hasn't done it. (Now, this is another peer-pressure problem, but on a whole other level.)

Did you notice I said, "only"? It's a keyword. The words 'only' is designed to make you feel like the odd one out, the pig with all the swans. (The definition literally means: and no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively!)

This word usage is used to single someone out, making you feel like a pig in a flock of swans. It's supposed to MAKE you want to do the suggested because you don't want to feel left out.

But let me tell you, having your fun with the rest of your friends may not always be the best choice.

Remember when I mentioned when babies get born by accident?

Yeah, that happens.

I mean, there is a chance that you won't get a child with proper equipment and usage, but still.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend it. The outcomes aren't sunshine and rainbows, and both require hard sacrifices for the future.

Not to mention that having sex at a teen-age is a HUGE no-no to tons of different religions and parents.

If you're going to intentionally have sex, then I strongly recommend you pass it up with someone who can offer stable, reasonable advice. They could make you reconsider and change your way of thinking, hopefully for the better.

Pressure is an important and constant factor in our life, but it's important to know how to handle it and what to do when it strikes.

The author's comments:

It just kinda bothered me that these types of things happen, so I decided to write about it.

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