The Long Run | Teen Ink

The Long Run

December 22, 2016
By Mikeala.finch BRONZE, South Orange, New Jersey
Mikeala.finch BRONZE, South Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Wherever there is a human being, I see God-given rights inherent in that being, whatever may be the sex or complexion.”-William Lloyd Garrison.

The quote above means that nobody should be judged or criticized because of  their sex or by the color of their skin. Many people around the country are withheld from their rights because of  their gender, sexuality and complexion. In America and around the world, there are people who do not or did not  know that they had  any rights,  but then there are the people who have unlimited rights.  They can go to school and make a living for themselves, but they do not know how lucky they are. Around the U.S. there are children who are  withheld from their rights because of various characteristics, such as: their families backgrounds, how they look by the complexion of their skin, their religion in who they believe in and even by the most personal things such as their sexuality. As a result, some children are not getting the adequate amount of education they need in preparation to go out in the world of work and make something of themselves.

To begin with, there are many different disabilities. There are some that can be treated, and some that cannot be, this is because the child was either born with a birth defect or it was completely genetic. Some disabilities that are found in public school systems are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder . children with ADHD and PTSD are as stated in ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)  “often targeted for increased discipline. African-American Students with disabilities are twice as likely to be handcuffed or otherwise “mechanically” restrained as their peers.According to the department of education” . This means that even though a child has a disability, they are more likely to be put in the hands of law enforcement because of something they have no control over .With this in mind the Americans With Disabilities Act, considers it to be illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities. This is applicable to various places such as schools, workplaces, as well as public places like restaurants and businesses. However, that  amendment is broken in one of the places that should hold that right sacred, which is school. When children with, disabilities attend schools, they should feel as though that everyone wants them to do their best so that they can accomplish anything they believe in. Yet children are bullied and are treated unequally. To add schools with children who have disabilities are required to have a special education class, this is stated by the U.S. Department of Education. “ Such an education consists of regular or special education and related aids and services designed to meet the individual educational needs of students with disabilities as adequately as the needs of students without disabilities are met.” This means that when there is a child with disabilities in a  school, it is required that they should be given the education they need and deserve, to meet the needs of the child.

In addition, children are not only deprived of their education but of who they are as a person. The LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer)  community is a high target for bullying, harassment , intimidation , and of unequal rights, especially for children's education. In America there is a bill called The Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA), this prevents students from being discriminated against for their sexuality or gender identity.

“ According to an HRC survey of more than 10,000 LGBTQ teens, LGBTQ youth are twice as likely to experience verbal harassment, exclusion, and physical attack at school as their non-LGBTQ peers…..They identified family rejection, school/bullying problems, and fear of being out or open....”This explains that children that are apart of the LGBTQ community have a harder time in school because they have more pressure on themselves, because of who they are, apart from them being bullied, harassed and intimidated, they are also forced to focus on their classes exams and grades. This causes them to be stressed and not be able to apply themselves in school. The evidence also shows that children are being deprived of their rights for education in addition they are not able to feel safe at school and at home, they cannot handle focusing on school causing them to become dropouts and find other ways to make money for themselves when they get into the real world.

Lastly, children in today's world and America in general are not being treated equally because of their skin color/ complexion. In different areas here in the  U.S  police officers that treats everyone differently in ways that affects the child/children in the years to come in their lives. An article found on the Tolorence website stated that “In Meridian, Miss., police routinely arrest and transport youths to a juvenile detention center for minor classroom misbehaviors.  In Jefferson Parish, La., according to a U.S. Department of Justice complaint, school officials have given armed police “unfettered authority to stop, frisk, detain, question, search and arrest schoolchildren on and off school grounds.” In Birmingham, Ala., police officers are permanently stationed in nearly every high school.” this show that even for the smallest of problems minorty youths are faced with discrimination.In some  communities children are forced to be put into the criminal justice system around the country, which is know as the School To Prison Pipeline . Having the School To Prison Pipeline is only giving students of color and different races their so called future when they are older. They are not being taught how to stay out of prison, they are being taught to tolerate it when it becomes apart of their present day , having the School To Prison Pipeline is only ushering children to be ready for their so-called future and not helping them stay away from destroying their lives in the years to come. “Students from two groups—racial minorities and children with disabilities—are disproportionately represented in the school-to-prison pipeline. African-American students, for instance, are 3.5 times more likely than their white classmates to be suspended or expelled…”The evidence points toward the fact that the School To Prison Pipeline targets African American children and children with disabilities more than their white peers. This deprives them of their education by not going to school and not having an equal right when being punished for minor misbehavior issues which causes problems when children get older because they are set onto a path that they did not choose for themselves, because it was chosen for them.

To summarize, children in the U.S. are deprived of their rights because of their families background, how they look by the complexion of their skin, their religion in who they believe in and even by the most personal things, such as their sexuality. It is believed that kids have a choice in what they want to be when they grow up, but when they are younger it all depends on how they get there and who helps them. Growing up in the U.s. is hard especially if you are differently colored have a disability or you are different in general but being focused on your goals in life and having a steady path on how to get there would help you in the long run no matter who's at your side. As stated by Eleanor Roosevelt, “In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” Life is what you make it, it's just the process of getting there.



   Campaign, Human Rights. "Student Non-Discrimination Act." Human Rights Campaign. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

DeMause, Neil. "Kids in Handcuffs?" American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., 30 Aug. 2016. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

"Long Run Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

"Protecting Students With Disabilities." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

"The School-to-Prison Pipeline." The School-to-Prison Pipeline | Teaching Tolerance -Diversity, Equity and Justice. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

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My Piece Focus' on everyday news and problems that happen in the world

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