LGBT rights | Teen Ink

LGBT rights

May 17, 2016
By Anonymous

The LGBT community should be treated same way as the rest of our population. Compared to other countries, United States is the country that is very ironic. In this country people always bring up laws and constitution, but they never follow it. Each person quotes the Constitution and explains the meaning of it the way the want to. The government makes the law that each person understands their own way and those unspecific laws cause more problems than solving them. Our country pays a lot of attention to the equality, equal rights and same opportunities. In the Declaration of Independence proves that people are equal: “... that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Now, in 2016 we still have inequality and discrimination. One of the biggest issues and the group that is treated unfair is the LGBT community. But we are all human, we are all equal and we all must have equal protection under the law and the same opportunities.

Sadly almost every person in the United States can relate to the discrimination. Every race besides white privilege is discriminated against. So, if you are not white, you already have struggles in life. Race is not the only reason why people get judged. Religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, interests, hobbies, anything that does not follow the standards of white, christian, upper class people counts as not rights or abnormal. Isn’t that ironic? People say that we are all human, we are all individuals and we all have rights to choose how to live our lives, but when people make choices that are not that common then they get discriminated against. Maybe, we all should stop for a minute, stop looking and judging others and for once take care only of ourselves and let every person live life their own way!? LGBT community should have equal rights and same protection under the law as the rest of the population.  

Gay rights are human rights.. Long time ago Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence that and proved that all people are equal. There is no difference in between people besides their character and looks. So gay people deserve to be treated as the rest of the population in our country. But people still trying to make separation between people. Even though the U.S. says all people are equal, some states are openly discrimination against LGBT people. In Mississippi the government of the state passed the law that shows discrimination openly, Kurt Eichenwald the author of the article “New Anti-gay law proves Mississippi don’t know hot to read (the Bible)” explains the law: “...just passed a law allowing businesses and even some healthcare providers to refuse services to gay couples on the basis of religious beliefs.” Mississippi passed that law. It is ridiculous how in 2016 people are allowed to let discrimination exist in open way. Religious people. Christians are the biggest influence for those changes and making those awful laws.

The title of that article explains the best way how christians contradict themselves and just make life for LGBT community very complicated. Same author at the end of the article says: “Unfortunately, when some folks believe they’re doing God’s work, they don’t much care how many people they run over.” Religious people are the biggest group of people who are against gay marriage, or any same sex relationship. They contradict themselves, trier believes and Constitution of the United States. Trying to live by God’s laws and rights they breaking human laws and rights. Another state where Christians get not into their business is Indiana. Brian Slodysko, explains what is going on in Indiana: “Indiana faced a backlash last year after it passed a law allowing those who oppose gay rights for religious reasons to withhold services such as providing flowers or cakes for same-sex weddings.”

Indiana is another state that lets discrimination be alive. If you believe in God and think he is perfect, then why would he let gay people be born? Also, in the Bible it says: “ shall love your neighbor as yourself…” (Mark 12:31). So religious people do not follow God’s rules by themselves, but they are the first to judge LGBT community. That verse from Bible says that this commandment is one of the most important. So, according to the Bible we all should love and respect every person who is around us na matter what. There was no any “but” or “if”, so that means all of the people around us are included. Once again, Kurt EichenwaldI is rights about his argument that people do not know how to read the Bible. So, LGBT community needs to be treated the right, equal way. According to the constitution and Bible people should respect each other and each other's choices and let people be happy and live the life the way the want to. In the constitution, fourteenth amendment is one of the amendments that people use a lot in the conversations because it talks about equal protection under the law. There is no any “if” or “but” so if in constitution it says all people have same protection under the law that means that all of the people have same protection under the law.

39 years ago people realized that LGBT community should have protection under the law. History is the fact that can not be erased or be forgotten. Through history we can see how with time people started to realize that gay people need to have same opportunities and chances to have families and life that they can enjoy. In the historical events LGBT community had a lot of changes, in “1924. The Society for Human Rights in Chicago becomes the country's earliest known gay rights organization.“ It is being for 92 years already, when LGBT community started fighting for the rights and still does it. Is not that enough time to understand that gay people were, are and will be around us. They are people and they deserve to be heard and allowed to live a life without struggles and obstacles. History and events that happened are the lessons for us, for new generation. We should look back at it and study it and analyze it. If more people would do that then our generation would have a better understanding of what people deserve and how people should be treated. In those 92 years LGBT community was getting a lot of movements and rights done. One on the important events was in 1977: “Activists in Miami, Florida pass a civil rights ordinance making sexual orientation discrimination illegal in Dade County.” History and people who lived long time ago realized that discrimination towards gay people is not okay. It should be illegal.

One of the biggest events was last summer: “2015. June 26, The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, 5–4, in Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex couples have the fundamental right to marry and that states cannot say that marriage is reserved for heterosexual couples.” Last year was a big year of celebration. Eventually after so many struggles and pain gay people are allowed to marry and have families. Even though the case was 5-4, but it still brings a lot of hope that one day it will be 9-0 and there would be no more things that LGBT community would face. Even though in 2015 Supreme Court of the U.S. announced that same sex marriage is legal, we still have discrimination. What can we see now? 2016 and Indiana and Mississippi pass law to discriminate LGBT community. Now people have to hide their personality in order to be able purchase stuff that they need. Isn't that crazy?! People do not really do what they say. Religious people still trying to discriminate LGBT community any possible way. The ways that they choose to go are not constitutional and contrary to the constitution. History shows how LGBT community eventually gained same opportunities over time. So as human we should stop discrimination and provide people equality and equal protection under the law. 

So, gay people need to have equality and opportunity to have families. Getting married, adopt kids should be same easy process for gay couples as well as for straight couples. Constitution of the United States is not the only source that talks about rights for our population. We also have Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it says: “Article 16, Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.” So, it is human rights to be able to marry and have family! By making same sex marriage illegal and by not letting gay couples adopt kids, laws violate UDHR. We are all human, we are all equal, we are all deserve to be happy! From the same source of the UDHR we can read: “Amnesty International believes that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, should be able to enjoy their human rights.”

Once again, we all human who deserve to be treated as human. There is a reason why we have Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If it is universal then that means it is meaningful to whole population of our world. There are reasons why people write laws and force them. We are born to live and enjoy our life. People are not borned to struggle and try to survive and deal with people who judge their life. As I said earlier in the United States people bring up Constitution very often. The author of the article “About LGBT Human Rights” explains: "Under the Constitution, same-sex couples seek in marriage the same legal treatment as opposite-sex couples, and it would disparage their choices and diminish their personhood to deny them this right..." So, people who talk about laws, rights and constitution should look more deeply and detailed into it. People should realize that be allowing same sex couples get together and make families they would make not only their life easier and better, but also many kids who wish to have family and parents. 

In my opinion the only people who are fighting against LGBT community are the only Christians people. In their opinion same sex relationship is a sin and it is something that is morally wrong. I interviewed pastor from the church where my mom goes. At first I just started talking about gay marriage. His points were very basic and just what most of the Christians use. He started his explanation with words: “God made male and female on purpose…”. Personally at that moment my insides hurt and I just want to stop conversation and not even listen or argue because I think it is pointless. When I asked him: “Amendment 14th is about same protection under the law,what do you think about an event in Mississippi?” His main point was that Christians have rights too. God is on the first place and what is not from God, does not bring blessings. So. the law in Mississippi protects Christians and their believes. So discrimination against gay people is morally wrong because gay are human.

Many pastors are anti-gay, but some of them took it way too far. Tennessee pastor Robert Gallaty says; “... that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people should be put to death…”. I do not know how you feel about that, but being killed because of sexual orientation… being killed for no reason is not really a God’s way to deal with stuff. Also he argues that sexual orientation is a choice: “A black man can’t change his race; a white man can’t change his race..” ,“...a homosexual can stop engaging in homosexual acts. Sexuality is a choice, gender and race are not. It’s not the same issue here.” So his point is that same sex relationship is a choice and being in those relationship is a sin. Well, so many studies and researches happened and by many people were proved that people are born gay and it is not a choice to be gay. Lacking and not letting people be who they are is the way to make their life a struggle. Discriminating against LGBT community contradicts our constitution and Declaration of Independance.

People are equal, everyone deserves to be treated the same way, everyone is allowed to be happy and enjoy their life without depending on their race, religion, sexual orientation. People in our country should understand that we all human who were born to make this world a better place and help out our community be a beautiful place. We are here not to fight, kill each other and hate each other. We are here to make world better. We should stop hate and discrimination. No laws will help us. Only accepting and understanding will help solve issues that we have. Our community should be helpful and joyful to everyone. America should stop be an ironic country and follow all of the rules and freedom that were made in the past. So let's stop put people into groups, categories and just see each person as individual who deserves to be heard, deserved to be protected by the law and deserves happiness.

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