New Horizion | Teen Ink

New Horizion

July 16, 2015
By Anonymous

What is the New Horizon? The new horizon is a spacecraft that got launched into space in 2006 to get an actual vision on pluto and its mysteries. The new horizon mission is very mindblowing. Nobody really knows anything about pluto because of how far it is from earth, with all the facts that we have of pluto we could fit them on a single piece of paper.

“Im watching closely and I hope you will be to.” This was said by Stephen hawkings a famous professor. This just goes to show you that all eyes are on this mind blowing, rare, and exciting mission. The New Horizon spacecraft has this tool on it called Ralph. This tool is a visible infrared imager Which provides color, composition and thermal maps. As said by the well known scientists of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The New Horizon Mission was launched on January 19, 2006 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It is the fastest spacecraft to ever leave earth and it has traveled the farthest out of all the spacecraft's to leave earth it has traveled for almost ten years and has already traveled over three billion miles. To me this is a very spectacular event, nothing like this has ever been done. With NASA approval the spacecraft will  be directed toward one or more Kuiper Belt objects beyond pluto in 2017, as said in the NASA fact sheet. With such an unique idea of sending something into space three billion miles aways it comes with a unique cost to of seven hundred million dollars, I don't know about you but i don't just have that kind of money hanging around.

The New Horizon mission is mindblowing. The fastest spacecraft to ever leave earth traveling three billion miles in about nine years is a spectacular achievement that the New Horizon team can say that they accomplished it. Its not like the spacecraft just left earth and didn't get any facts pictures or videos of pluto, NASA has just let out the first and actual picture of pluto out to the public. Whether this is mind blowing to you or not it will go down as one of science's biggest accomplishment ever.

The author's comments:

its cool

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