The Astounding Successes of Pressure | Teen Ink

The Astounding Successes of Pressure

January 12, 2015
By Alex Emery BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
Alex Emery BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
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Pressure, the one word teens do not want to hear.  Pressure is something that all teens must face in their life at one point or another.  Most teens cannot stand to even talk, let alone think about the topic.  The negatives of pressure always outshine in people’s minds.  However, it has some bright positives that make someone who they are.  Pressure builds character, produces better work, and prepares for future life.  It makes people who they are.

Character is any key factor in the role of success.  Character is what makes somebody who they are.  Everybody knows the saying “pressure builds diamonds,” and it is true about building the character of a person.  Pressure allows people to find out who they truly are.  Under pressure situations people’s true personalities will show through.  These situations allow people to find out more about themselves.  Some people will be able to make it through, while others learn they need to push themselves harder.  Sports is an example my life.  Sports has built my character today.  People like other people that show character and have a personality.  Sports for me has molded the way I think and act.  Close games in football, basketball, and baseball have taught me to stay cool and calm under pressure.  I remember one game in particular in football.  The game went into overtime and I had to make the game winning pass.  If the receiver did not catch the ball the game would have been over and we would have lost.  I had to stay calm under the pressure and complete the task at hand.  This even taught me that I could get by pressure situations by staying calm.

Pressure produces the best form of work of any individual.  Pressure is what pushes someone to go the extra mile for any assignment, duty, or task.  In school people have to be willing to go the extra mile to get the A.  Pressure is what pushes people to produce the best work for their teacher or boss.  Without pressure everybody would be mediocre and the same. School has taught me valuable lesson about pressure.  I have had some tough assignments throughout my entire school career.  The assignments took a great deal of time and work to accomplish them.  School has forced me to deal with pressure and grind through it.  It teaches you to look past the pressure and focus on just getting the assignment completed.  Research papers are by no means fun.  I had to complete the assignment within a couple of days.  The research paper made me buckle down on my studies so I could achieve an A.  Although the pressure was present it is what pushed me to get through it and produce the best work I could possibly create.  The pressure of school has made me have the work ethic I now have today.

The biggest thing pressure does is prepare people for future life.  Life is in no way close to being easy.  Pressure is around individuals every single day.  People have to deal with the stresses in jobs and families.  The pressure when you are a teen helps get you further prepared for pressure as an adult.  Parents have to strive to be the best parent they can be to give their kid a successful life.  Adults that have jobs must complete their work by their deadline or they are at risk of being fired.  For example, I have had “job” like tasks that I must accomplish for my family or friends.  Once I had to take care of my neighbors pets.  I wanted to do the job as best as I could for them and not let them down.  If something happened to their pets the fingers would have been pointed at me, and I would have felt awful.  The pressures and responsibilities are what made me push myself to give my neighbors the right care needed for their pets.

Pressure is what pushes people and makes them who they are today.  Everybody thinks of pressure as a negative, but it is what makes up a person.  It sets up one’s character, encourages the best of work, and prepares for future life.  People need to start thinking of these positives that come along with pressure, instead of focusing on the downsides.  It truly makes the best person that someone could be.  It produces the best work ethic and attitude.

The author's comments:

Teens are always dealing with pressure in their lives.

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