Technology | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By Jordan Jacobson BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Jordan Jacobson BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is technology good or bad? Well, I guess it kind of depends on your opinion. There are different opinions on whether social networking is good or bad. It just depends on what you believe. It is true that it is improving education, and helping communication. Sometimes though, it can also take priority over education. Sometimes, it can be so addicting that people would rather be on Youtube, Twitter, or Instagram than do homework.

The internet is probably one of the most popular things to use these days. It is great! It allows people to keep up long distance relationships, talk about school work, and instantly bring up information. Everyday, information is updated and spread worldwide in seconds. Social networking is responsible for all of this. Within seconds, anyone can see anything, and it is really improving education. It also helps senior citizens feel more connected with everyone else. It’s not that it doesn’t help everyone else stay connected, but it spreads the latest news so that the senior citizens who don’t really get around much can keep up.

While I understand that it is great for communication and spreading information, it can also have a negative impact on people’s lives. I know that homework is not fun. No one really likes to do it. However, students who are “heavy social media users tend to have lower grades” ( I agree that it is great to stay connected and in touch with technology because, as young people are the future, so is technology. However, it can be really overused. A recent survey showed that some teenagers spend about 20 hours on the internet per week(Algebra 2 STEM). This is a huge consummation of time that could be spent learning or doing something active or with friends. The obesity rate is rising in America and with all of the time spent in front of a screen, it’s no surprise.I understand that the technology is not the only reason for obesity in America, a lot of other factors play into that. However, if people would get off of the couch and go do something, the obesity rate just might go down.

So, you can believe what you want. I am not saying that technology is some horrible thing that is poisoning the minds of our children. I honestly love technology, I just think that it is way overused. Sometimes people just need to take a break from all of the sitting around with their eyes glued to a screen. It won’t kill anyone to go for a run or get involved in an activity with friends that does not involve technology. So yeah, technology is great but to a certain extent. So while it may seem that kids sitting around the TV all day is good for them because it is educating them, it is actually true that taking a break from technology is good because it teaches kids how to interact face-to-face with others and a little exercise will keep them healthier.

Trevor Hughes and Carolyn Pesce, "Motive Sought in Deadly Shooting Rampage at Colorado Theater,", July 21, 2012
University of Alabama at Birmingham, "Move Over Youngsters, Grandma’s on Facebook,", Oct. 27, 2011
Leslie Lanir, "Digital Information Overwhelms and Distracts Students,", Nov. 4, 2012
David P. Willis, "Social Media Games Have Become Big Business,", Feb. 24, 2012

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because often, I am with friends who want nothing more than to be on their phones.

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