Rather Be Skiing | Teen Ink

Rather Be Skiing

March 6, 2014
By Jackson.Levin SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jackson.Levin SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1400 kids die every year from drugs and alcohol. It is an addiction that can’t be controlled after you have tried it. It is that one moment, that one second that can change anything. You are the only person that really controls the outcome of your life, so make the right decision. Most teenagers need to face the question someday, the question that we have learned about our whole lives. “Do you want to try drugs?” This is the question we have all heard in guidance class countless times. Some people dread this question. Some people are a little more excited for it. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you how to handle it. You could think about it like this. That one response to that difficult question can change your life just like that. So you need to know how to respond to this question. I’m writing to you telling you how easy it is to just say no.
You just need to know how to say no. You have to find something in your life, a passion, a hobby that you just couldn’t live without. Now picture it gone, completely out of your life. Thats what will happen if you make the wrong decision when answering that question. Whether it’s spending time with your family, playing a sport, acting, singing, reading, or just hanging out with your friends, the possibilities are endless. The one thing I couldn’t live without is skiing. It just gives me that crazy rush people can only imagine. When I have people describe or tell me what it is supposed to be like once you have had drugs, they say it feels amazing or unreal. That’s because it is unreal. All of it is fake. Skiing makes me feel like that for real. That is the good kind of amazing. That is called a natural high. A natural high is a passion that is a substitute for drugs. Something you can remember every time you consider taking drugs. Hopefully your natural high is strong enough to convince you to make the right decision. My natural high is skiing. Now it is your job to go find that thing that gives you a rush. So, if you ever hear that question, just take a second to think. Remind yourself what you would be missing out on if you did drugs. That’s all I can help you with. I hope I have inspired you to make the right decision. I know I will.

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