Senior Prom: Girl vs. Guy | Teen Ink

Senior Prom: Girl vs. Guy

December 17, 2013
By Amandalyn3416 BRONZE, Clinton, Connecticut
Amandalyn3416 BRONZE, Clinton, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NKJV

Senior Year: one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. Parties, graduation, and one of the biggest events, Senior Prom. However, despite the excitement among the Senior class as a whole, girls and guys individually have very different interests on the subject of Prom throughout the year. The following dialogue of two randomly chosen students, one female (F), one male (M), will depict just how different the genders are in terms of planning, thoughts and opinions on the subject of Senior prom. We have asked each person their thoughts at several different points throughout the year in order to really get a “feel” of what is going through each person’s mind.

(F): Oh my gosh, can you believe it!?! Only 5 months, 8 hours, 3 minutes and 17 seconds until the night of Senior Prom! I can’t wait. I am literally so excited! No, beyond excited! This will literally be the most amazing night of my entire life. And so little time! What will I wear? What am I to do with my hair? Oh my! I swear if I am still this pale two months from now I might just die-literally fall down and die. Oh my gosh! Who am I going to go with? Should I drive? I think I want to drive. Wait, but maybe that’s unsafe. We should rent a limo. But what if there isn’t enough room? A party bus? But what if people don’t want to rent a party bus? What if no one wants to ride in a limo? What am I going to do? What am I going to do!!! 5 months 7 hours, 8 minutes and 23 seconds to go and counting!

(M): I guess senior prom is a big hit or something-an event people look forward to. Or at least that’s what my friend Josephina just told me. It’s at the end of the year or something. Maybe there will be a party. Cool.

(F): Ok so Sousy definitely wants to go in a large vehicle, but she doesn’t really care if it is a limo or a bus. Rachel, Danielle Paige and Liz all want to go together with their dates but aren’t really sure how they want to get there. Emma thinks she wants to drive separately. And Leslie, Liz, and Amanda just can’t make up their minds! Ug! Well, at least I already know of seven people who want to ride together. So we are at least taking a limo, but things may change. I hope people can decide quickly! There are only four months, 6 hours, 34 minutes and 56.8 seconds left until prom!!! Ahhhh!

(M): Everyone’s asking about how I am getting to prom. Isn’t that like in a few months or something? Why are people discussing this now? I don’t even know how I’m getting to work tomorrow. Besides, I don’t really care how we get to the Prom thing, just as long as I get there, and before they serve dinner.

(F): Red definitely red. There’s no doubt about it! This one’s it! This is the one! Finally! It only took 4 months. Unfortunately I’m running a little behind schedule but I’ve just been so busy! Between schoolwork and figuring out who’s riding with us, I completely forgot about the most important part-my dress! Well that’s good. Now I just have to find a date. I swear, if not a single guy asks someone out by the end of February we’re all doomed. I just don’t get it! Why is it sooooo hard to ask a girl out! All you have to do is walk up to someone and say it! That’s all! If you want to be real nice you could buy flowers, or decorate a locker or something-but literally just do it before girls are forced to take over the entire planet because the entire male species is too wimpy to ask someone to the prom!!! 3 months, 28 days, 56 minutes and 4 seconds.

(M): My friend, Josephina, keeps on smiling at me in class. I don’t get it. She’s really nice and all, but the smiling is getting a little awkward. It’s like she’s waiting for me to do something, to say something, anything. But what? Maybe she wants me to make a joke. Or maybe those weird noses that everyone laughs at. Ya, I’ll try that.

(F): Ok, so I plan on going to Angel Tips this year for a mani pedi. Definitely red nail polish-you know, to match the dress of course! I just hope they don’t mess it up. I don’t have the time or money to go in for a practice appointment for my nails, so it better be good! I’m sure it will though. I mean honestly, no offense intended, but those delicate little Asians always do the best job of nails I have ever seen! They rarely ever make a smudge-and when they do they have seemingly magical applicators to wipe any mistake clean off and start all over! Their nail art is truly a gift from above. Oooo! Maybe I should get a rose on my big toe-yes definitely, that would look sooo cute! 2 months, 43 days, 6 hours, 31 minutes and 54 seconds.

(M): I told my mom about Josephina. She said that maybe she just wants to go with me to prom. So, I thought of asking her out but I wanted to be clever about it. This other guy a month back brought in a whole bouquet of flowers and decorated the girls’ car just to ask her to prom. I don’t want the other guys to think I’m lame or anything, so I’m going to try and think of something. Maybe my mom has some ideas? Oh also, maybe I should rent a tux-the prom is in a few weeks.

(F): Oh my gosh! I am so excited! I cannot wait for prom! And you won’t believe it! Phillip Williams asked me to Prom like a month ago! He was so cute! He put Christmas lights all over my front lawn and when I came home from work-there he was, with a giant bouquet of flowers! He is sooo sweet! I can’t wait! He will literally be the best date ever! And I am so happy he asked a least a month in advance. Last year a guy tried asking my friend literally the week before prom! What was he thinking! She literally had just finished finalizing all of her plans and then this guy just shows up and thinks he can just waltz up a week before prom and ask her out! Of course she wanted to go with him but I mean come on! She had to change all of her plans last minute to include him. Can you even imagine how stressful that was? And the worst part was, she couldn’t just say no to the guy. Why not? Because if Prince charming comes riding up to your castle on a white horse, you can’t just tell him to hit the road (or the moat)-it just doesn’t happen. So, if you want to ruin a girl’s life, wait until the last minute to ask her to prom. 23 days, 7 hours, 3 minutes, and 35 seconds.

(M): Man, tonight will be awesome. I can’t wait for the after prom. Everyone is going! It will literally be the best night ever! The party bus should be fun too. My cousin went on a party bus one time and he said it was awesome. I just hope the actual dance isn’t too lame. I honestly wouldn’t even go, but all of my friends are going and Josephina said she wouldn’t follow me to the after prom unless I went to the actual prom. Darn it. At least I get free food-sort of.

(F): It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! I can’t believe that prom is actually tonight! I can’t wait! I am so excited! No, I’m thrilled! No I’m thrillcited!!! I am just so excited I don’t know what to do! Should I laugh, or smile, or cry-NO! Do NOT cry! Your makeup is so perfect right now! Please don’t cry! Think of something sad! Quick! A kitten with a hurt foot! A kitten with a hurt foot! Ahhh that’s better. I hope the pictures don’t turn out terrible. My dress better not fall down. I hope I don’t trip! That would be so embarrassing. Nonetheless I am sure it will be a blast! The party bus, hanging out with friends, a gourmet dinner, dancing, the after-prom, dancing! I can’t wait! Everyone should be arriving soon, and hopefully the party bus will be here too! They are scheduled to arrive at 5:30 p.m. sharp to bring us to the prom location on time. They better not be late-especially if they want a good tip. Oh look! It’s Phillip! I hope he remembered the balloons. I asked him to get some balloons to put on the mailbox so people would know which house to go to. Well, I guess they would know by the giant party bus, but the balloons will be pretty for decoration anyway. I can’t wait! I hope he is as excited for tonight as I am! Literally, this will be the night of our lives.

The author's comments:
Being a Senior, the topic of Senior Prom is always popping up in my mind. As an English class project we were asked to write a compare and contrast essay, and so I figured this would be a fun topic to write about. I hope many will enjoy my article, and be able to compare to some of its exaggerated events. I also hope it brings about a few laughs-please don't take it too seriously!

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